Whereas his Majesty having been pleased to Command that a Settlement should forthwith be formed within the Territory of "Western Australia" and whereas with a view of effecting that
Object an Expedition having been prepared and sent forth and in Accordance with His Majesty's Pleasure the Direction of the Expedition and the Government of the proposed Settlement
having been confided to me, and whereas in pursuance of the Premises Posession of the Territory having been taken, and the Settlement therein being now actually effected, I do hereby
make the same Known to all Persons whom it may concern, willing, and requiring them duly to regulate their Conduct with reference to his Majesty's Authority, represented in me, as good
and Loyal Subjects may and ought to do, and to obey all such Legal Commands, Regulations as I may from Time to Time see fit to enact as they shall answer the Contrary to their Peril
And whereas by the Establishment of His Majesty's Authority in the Territory aforesaid, the Laws of the United Kingdom as far as they are applicable to the Circumstances of the Case,
do therein immediately prevail and become Security for the Rights, Privileges and Immunities of all His Majesty's Subjects found or residing in such Territory. I do hereby caution all to
abstain from the Commission of Offences against the Kings Peace or the Laws of the Realm upon pain of being arrested, prosecuted, convicted, and punished in the same Manner and
to all Intents and Purposes as is usual in similar offences committed in any other Part or Parts of His Majesty's Dominions subject to British Law. And whereas for the aids of Justice
and the Preservation of Peace, I may hereafter see occasion to Nominate & Appoint a properly qualified Person to execute the Office of Sheriff of the Territory, having under his Direction
responsible Individuals filling the Offices of High Constable, Constables, Bailiffs and Surveyors of High Ways. And whereas I may hereafter see occasion to issue a Commission to certain
discreet Persons to proceed to the Cognisance of Officers against the Laws; to hear and determine Complaints of Injury; to commit Offenders for further Trial to the Custody of the Sheriff;
and to conduct themselves in the Execution of their office according to such Mode of Proceeding as Justices of the Peace may lawfully adopt; I here Command and require that due obedience
and Respect be shown to all such Persons in their several Places and jurisdictions. And whereas the Protection of Laws doth of Right belong to all People whatsoever who may come or be
found within the Territory aforesaid. I do hereby give Notice that if any Person or Persons shall be convicted of behaving in a fraudulent, cruel or felonious Manner towards the Aborigines of
the Country, such Person or Persons will be liable to be prosecuted and tried for the Offence, as if the same had been committed against any other of His Majesty's Subjects. And whereas
the Safety of the Territory from Invasion and from the Attack of hostile Native Tribes may require the Establishment of a Militia Force which on emergency may be depended on to assist His
Majesty's Regular Troops in the Defence of the Lives and Property of the Inhabitants of the Territory and moreover the Efficiency of such an armed Body depending wholly on its Organisation,
Discipline, and Preparation for Service, all male Persons whatsoever between the Ages of 15 and 30 are hereby required to enrol themselves in the Muster Roll of the Militia of the Country in
which they may reside, and to observe that the Days for Muster and Exercise, and the Names of the Officers whom I may see fit to appoint to Command them will be duly notified, and that
on Proof of their Disobedience to such Officers or of negligent Performance of the Duties required of them, they will be subject in the absence of Martial Law, to a pecuniary Fine, and to
Imprisonment until the same shall be liquidated. And whereas His Majesty having been graciously pleased to confide to me the Power to make all necessary Locations, and to grant unoccupied
Lands within the aforesaid Territory under such Restrictions as are, or may be contained in the several Instructions issued or to be issued to me by Authority of His Majesty's Government I do
hereby give Notice that the Conditions and existing Regulations under which Crown Lands will be granted, will be exhibited to Public Inspection at the Offices of the Secretary to Government,
and of the Surveyor of the Territory, subject to such alterations and amendments as may from Time to Time be ordered, and all Persons desirous of obtaining Lands or of becoming Settlers for
any other Purposes in this Territory, are as soon as may be practicable after their arrival in this Settlement to appear at the Office of the Secretary to Government and there to make application
for Permission to reside in the Settlement, and all Persons found at large without having obtained such Permission will render Themselves liable to be committed to Custody and all Persons in
like manner who may intend to quit the Colony are to give a weeks Notice of their Intentions to Depart upon pain of being liable to be apprehended and detained and of rendering the Master of
the Ship in which they may be about to Depart subject to a Fine as set forth by the Port Regulations.
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