Recent Trips
We were able to get away in time for what was one of the best wildflower seasons in recent years.
Previously we had either gone away too early, too late or the wildflowers were just not there.
This year everything was perfect and we got out to the Mid-West as the flowers were just at their peak.
See the wildflower video we shot.
Bunbury Trip
We also did a couple of very quick trips to Bunbury and what we found was quite amazing.
Bunbury has long been one of the places in W.A. that we avoided. It always seemed to be badly planned and unattractive.
Boy, what a change there has been in the last few years! Bunbury is now somewhere we would highly recommend as a tourist destination
as there have been many positive changes and a lot of great attractions are now available for people to visit.
Visit our Bunbury trip blog page.
The Camper Trailer
In order to get out to more places that the Coaster motorhome just won't go, we decided to buy a camper trailer. After looking around
for a few weeks we finally found one that was the right price and came with all the goodies we would need, including a small dinghy.
It took a little while to get things sorted out the way we wanted them which included getting new batteries and a solar blanket.
Once everything was ready we took off for a test trip to Dryandra Woodland in the wheatbelt near Narrogin.
Check out our Camper Trailer page to see more.
The Dryandra trip was hampered by bad weather but we managed to get out and explore many areas as well as
visiting the Barna Mia wildlife sanctuary.
Tours of the sanctuary are done at night as that is when the animals that live there all come out to feed.
To find out more about the Dryandra trip go to our Dryandra trip blog page.
New gear
Another addition to our ability to get out and camp in different areas was the Aldi annexe and awning.
This is to let us get away for short trips with the 4x4 with a minimum of gear and hopefully a minimum of fuss.
As I write this we are just a couple of days away from our first test trip with this configuration.
Once we get back there will be another trip blog page that will describe the experience.
While there is a small chance that we may squeeze in another trip before Christmas, we are already planing
for 2019 and one major trip we will be doing it to Tamala Station at Shark Bay.
For a long time, one item on our bucket list has been to camp by the beach and fish in a boat at Shark Bay.
Our booking is confirmed and we will be off in June and there is just a slight chance that we will also manage
to visit one of the other stations north of Carnarvon.
We will let you know more about what is going to happen as the time to go draws closer.
Have a look at the new videos on our YouTube channel.