Educated at Edinburgh (graduated in 1828) and trained in medicine John Hampton joined the Royal Navy as a surgeon.
During his six years in office, 96 convicts were flogged and a total of 6559 lashes administered. The escape attempt rate reached new highs.
1810 - Born (this is the date on his death certificate.) 1828 - Graduated with a medical diploma. 1829 - Joined the Royal Navy as an assistant surgeon. 1832 - Awarded the Edinburgh certificate. Worked at the Plymouth dockyards helping to prevent the spread of cholera. 1834 - Promoted to surgeon in December. 1843 - Promoted to surgeon-superintendent in March. 1846 - Appointed comptroller-general of convicts in Tasmania in May. 1855 - Hampton refused to appear before select committee inquiry into convict administration and was charged with contempt.. 1857 - Hampton went on to half-pay after being granted two years leave to attend to 'urgent private matters' in Canada. 1862 - Appointed Governor of Western Australia on February 28th. 1862 - Took up his post as Governor of W.A. 1866 - Hampton appoints his son George as comptroller-general of convicts. George has several paid appointments at the same time. 1868 - Resigned as Governor nad returned to England. His wife died shortly after their arrival. 1869 - Died December 2nd (one source says 1st).
Links to more information:
John Stephen Hampton 1862-1868 Hampton, John Stephen (1810-1869)
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