Honeymoon Pool - Western Australia


GPS 33 22 40 S 115 56 17 E





Entry fee and / or camping fee charged Toilets available Tables and / or seats and / or shelters provided Fire places or BBQs available Tent camping sites Pets prohibited Swimming allowed Walk trails Ranger or caretaker on site or visits




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Honeymoon Pool is a beautiful campsite located downstream from Wellington Dam.

Access is via Wellington Dam Road and an often corrugated unsealed River Road. There is an alternate route however.

There are two one-way roads that are sealed all the way. The entry is via Lennard Drive (follow the main road past the turn off to Potter's Gorge and then past the Wellington Dam wall to a turn off over a small bridge, it is well signposted. The exit follows River Road to Pile Road that will lead either back to Wellington Dam or to Dardanup.

There is a good swimming area are the campsite with easy access to the water from a wooden platform with steps that lead into the water.

The water is almost always COLD as it comes from the lower levels of the dam not far upstream. This is very refreshing on a hot summer's day but a bit of a shock to the system in cooler weather.

The campsite is administered by the Department of Parks and Wildlife so usual National Park fees and rules apply.

This campsite is only suitable for tents so other types of camper need to go to the nearby Potters Gorge that caters for just about any kind of vehicle.

There are 20 campsites and you need to book before you arrive.

The campsites are very well shaded so if you rely on solar power, you are going to have a few problems here.

This is a very popular campsite so if you go there on weekends, holidays and peak periods, it will be crowded and rather noisy.

There are actually three campsites at Honeymoon Pool. The main campsite is on the east side of the river.

Stones Brook is located off River Road about 150m from the Honeymoon Pool campground. There are 17 sites and an undercover campers' kitchen with free gas barbecues, gas pot boiler and picnic tables. Campfires are prohibited at this site all year round. The campsites are a bit more secluded and have their own table and seats, some even have a timber deck.

The third site is Gelcoat which is downstream from Honeymoon Pool. There are just 7 tent sites with a communal fire ring. Remember, all these sites need to be booked BEFORE you arrive. Click the links below to book:

Honeymoon Pool
Stones Brook



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