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Wine is produced in several areas, the best known being the Swan Valley and Margaret River. Other areas such as Mount Barker, are fast gaining a reputation for quality wines as well. New wineries are springing up all over the south west with Harvey being the latest area to experience sharp upward growth in wine production.

Annual production exceeds 5 million litres, (annual consumption of this leads to 5 million hangovers.)

The Australian wine industry is expanding in leaps and bounds with export quality wines being among the best in the world. Australian vineyards have even purchased areas in France and begun production; much to the annoyance of French wine makers; in their own back yard.

The sad thing is that you can buy most wines cheaper in suburban bottle shops than you can at the cellar door. This tends to spoil the experience of visiting the vineyards.

The winery that was really responsible for large scale modern wind production was Vasse Felix. While other wineries had existed since early colonial days, Vasse Felix sparked off what was to become the modern wine industry in Western Australia.




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