Originally I just sat down and put a few Aussie slang terms together thinking it would help those from other countires
'get an handle' on some of the common slang terms in use today.
Since then the list has grown and grown and I guess it could now be recognised as one of the biggest collections of Aussie
slang you can find.
Many so called 'slang dictionaries' include words or sayings that are specific
to only one area of Australia or use archaic slang that has fallen out of use.
A lot seem to just make things up that nobody ever says just to fill up the pages of their books.
I have tried to include only slang that is in common use today and that a
majority of Australians would know.
Not all the slang listed here originates in Australia but most of it is in fairly common use.
WARNING - Aussie slang can be rude, irreverent and politically incorrect. There are many examples of this here.
Our thanks to Robin Boxma, Charley and Ed for some new additions to the list.
The addition of 'o' and 'ie' to words and names. - It is very common for names to be changed by adding either the letter 'o' or the letters 'ie', as in Johnno for John or
Hughie for Hugh. There is no hard and fast rule for how this gets done but it is something you learn by listening to the sound.
As I read through this list myself, it makes we very aware of just how mind numbingly difficult it can be for non-English spearkers to
learn all the different way things can be said.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
ABC - Australian Born Chinese.
A bit more choke and you would have started - Said if someone farts loudly.
Abo - Aborigine. Usually condescending. (Even the word Aborigine is now cosidered insulting - go figure!)
A over T - Short for ' arse over tit', Going head over heels. Also 'base over apex' as in 'He tripped and went A over T.'
Ace - Excellent. (Also - Bonzer, beauty, grouse) 'That meal was really ace.'
AC / DC - Bisexual. 'I think Bruce is a bit AC-DC.'
Act the goat - Behave in a silly manner. 'Stop acting the goat'. (Also giddy goat.)
Add insult to injury - To make things worse than they are already. 'And to add insult to injury she said I was ugly!'
Aerial ping pong - Australian Rules Football.
Aggro - Aggressive. 'There's no need to be so aggro.'
Airy fairy - Vague. 'I wanted a proper explanation but she was just airy fairy.'
Alice, The - Alice Springs, Northern Territory town near Uluru (Ayers Rock). 'We're driving up from Adelaide to The Alice next week.'
Alkie - Alchoholic. Someone who is addicted to alcohol..
All froth and no beer - No substance. 'I thought he was reliable but he was all froth and no beer.'
All over him / her like a rash - Someone who can't keep their hands to themselves. 'Did you see that pair in the street? He was all over her like a rash.'
All over red rover - Something that has been ended. 'Then the siren went and it was all over red rover.'
All over the place like a mad woman's breakfast - Chaotic. 'When his wife walked out he was all over the place like a mad woman's breakfast.'
All piss and vinegar - Someone with a sour disposition who instigates trouble.
All piss and wind - All air and no substance.
All your Christmases have come at once - Sudden unexpected good luck. (Something I have never experienced).
Alone like a country dunny - More often 'stands out like a dunny in the desert' Someone or something that is very obvious for whatever reason.
Amber fluid - Beer.
Ambo - Ambulance driver or para-medic.
Anchors - Brakes of a vehicle. 'The dog ran out and he slammed on the anchors.'
Angle of the dangle - Whether a man has an erection.
Ankle biter - Toddler. 'Bruce has a load of ankle biters to look after.'
Ante up - to pay back a debt. Usually pony up. 'Hey Bill, time to pony up you know.'
Ants in your pants - Someone who is fidgety or nervous.
Ants pants - Similar to the bees knees. Refers to someone who thinks they are pretty good. 'Rachel thinks she is the ants pants.'
Any tick of the clock - Something about to happen in the immediate future. 'Wait and see, he'll be here any tick of the clock.'
ANZAC - Stands for, the Australian and New Zealand Army Corp.
Apeshit - An expression of extreme anger. 'The boss went apeshit when I arrived late.'
Apples (she'll be) - It will be all right.
Apple eaters - Someone from Tasmania where apples are one of the main primary products.
Apple Isle - Tasmania.
Apples, she's - All good. How's the new car running? Oh, she's apples.
Argie-bargie - An argument or general unrest. 'There was some argie bargie at the football match.'
Argue the toss - Vehemently question a decision. 'There's no point arguing the toss with me, son.'
Around the twist - Gone crazy.
Arse about face - Back to front.
Arse around / about - Fooling around and wasting time. 'Stop arsing around!'
Arse wipe - A very unpleasant person.
Arvo - Afternoon. 'I'm off to the footy this arvo.'
Aunty - A nickname for the broadcaster the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC.
Aussie (Ozzie) - Australian.
Aussie battler - Someone who works hard but never gets anywhere. (Like me!)
Aussie salute (the great) - Waving away the flies from your face.
Australian as a meat pie - Anything that is authentically Australian
Avago - Have a go. Often used as in 'Avago yer mug!'
Away with the pixies / fairies - Day dreaming. 'Look at him sitting there, he's away with the pixies.'
Awning over the toy shop - A man's beer belly.
Axe (given the) - Anythign that gets cancelled. 'Hey my favourite TV show was given the axe last week.'.
Axe handle - A measurment. 'Did you see that sheila? She must have been two axe handles across!'
Axle grease - Money.
Ay? - Said when you haven't understood something properly.
B.S. - Short for 'bullshit'. Lies. Also Bull dust. Something politicians are full of.
B.Y.O. - Bring your own drinks. Also B.Y.O.G. meaning bring your own grog (alcohol.)
Baccy - Tobacco. Old expression now and rarely used.
Back (get off me) - Said when someone is harassing you. 'Hey, get off me back!'.
Back blocks (out in the) - Anywhere away from the big cities and towns.
Back door bandit - Homosexual male. (Also pillow biter, Vegemite driller, fag, homo, poofter, date packer.) All considered unacceptable expressions these days.
Back o' Bourke - Anywhere away from the big cities and towns.
Back of beyond - Anywhere away from the big cities and towns
Backchat - Talking back to someone in a rude or insolent manner. 'You backchat me again and I'll flatten you!'
Backhander - Bribe. 'The local member was just waiting for a backhander before he voted.' Also to slap someone with the back of a hand.
Bad case of the trots - Diarrhoea. 'He been in and out of the dunny all day, must have a bad case of the trots.'
Bad trot - Run of bad luck. Steve lost his job and his wife walked out. He has had a bad trot.
Badger box - Small hut or dwelling. (Obsolete) More common these days is 'dog box'.
Bag - Uncomplimentary term for a woman or to criticize something. 'She was a real old bag!' or 'Hey don't bag my footy team!'
Bag, in the - A sure thing. 5 minutes to go and my team is 2 goals in front, it's in the bag.
Bags - Laying claim to something as in, "I bags the biggest piece."
Bail out - To get away in haste or to rescue a failing company by pouring in heaps of money. 'Hey time to bail out, here comes big Bluey and he looks pissed off.' or 'The government has again bailed out the banks with taxpayer's money.'
Bail up - Used to mean to rob someone but now can mean to corner someone and engage them in unwanted conversation.
Bald as a bandicoot - Bald. (Also chrome dome, flies skating rink, curly etc.)
Ball and chain - A reference to one's wife - referred to in her absence if you don't want trouble.
Ball tearer - Great or teriffic. 'Hey Blue, she is a real ball tearer.'
Balls - Testicles. (Also nuts, goolies, family / crown jewels, apricots, goolies.) Also an expression of disbelief - 'That's a load of balls!'
Balls up - Said when something goes horribly wrong. 'Gees, that was a complete balls up.'
Banana bender - Queenslander.
Bananas (go) - To go crazy. "Bruce went bananas and they hauled him off to the looney bin."
Bang - To have sex.
Bang-on - Right on target.
Banged up - In prison.
Bangs like a dunny door in a hurricane - Woman with no morals who has sex with anyone.
Banker - a river in flood. 'Running a banker.'
Bar (won't have a) - To respond negatively to something. 'No mate, I won't have a bar of that!'.
Bar flies - Old men who hang around the pub all day.
Barbie - Barbecue.
Barcoo rot - Ulcers that will not heal..
Bark (up the wrong tree) - Getting your facts wrong. 'Hey Bruce, I think Johhno is barking up the wrong tree.'.
Barker's egg - Dog poo.
Barmy as a bandicoot - Crazy.
Barney - Fight or argument.
Barrack for - Support a team. 'Bruce barracks for the Eagles'.
Bash - A wild party or a physical attack.
Basket case - Crazy.
Bastard - Can be used in both a positive and negative way. 'He was a real bastard!' Or 'Where have you been, you old bastard!' If you don't understand the difference then don't use the word.
Bat - Ugly woman. (Also bush pig, bag etc.) Usually Crazy old bat.
Bats in the belfry - Going mad.
Bathers - Swimming costume. (also speedos or cozzie or swimming togs.)
Bats or batty - Crazy. 'He's gone totally bats.' (Also batty.)
Battery acid - Cheap cask white wine. (Also plonk, horse's piss, vinegar.)
Battler - Someone who is always struggling hard but never seems to get anywhere in life. (Like me)
Beak - Magistrate or a nose.
Beanie - Silly looking woollen hat.
Bearded clam - Female genitals.
Beat around the bush - To avoid coming to the point in a conversation.
Beat the meat - To masturbate (male).
Beaten by a blow - To just beat someone at something.
Beaut, beauty, bewdy - Excellent.
Bee's knees - Similar to the ants pants. Refers to someone who thinks they are pretty good.
Beemer - BMW car. 'What's the diff between a porcupine and a Beemer? The porcupine has the pricks on the outside!'
Beer goggles - When drunk you see things as better than they are, especially members of the opposite sex.
Beer gut - Fat stomach on a man.
Beer o'clock - Any time it is time for a beer.
Beg yours? - Pardon me?
Bell (give us a) - To ask someone to call you on the phone. 'Hey Donna, give us a bell some time will ya?'
Bells, hells - Exclamation. Hells bells, I forgot my wife's birthday present.
Bellyaching - To complain. 'Johnno was bellyaching all day about his missus yesterday.'
Belly flop - Stomach-first dive in water. Been there done that, it hurts!
Belly full - Had enough of someone or something. 'I've had a belly full of lazy government departments!'
Belly-up - Failure of a business. 'The company went belly up.'
Belt - Hit or punch. 'Shuddup or I'll belt ya!' also to take a drink of alcohol. "I'll have a belt of whiskey".
Belt up - Same as saying 'Shut up.' Ie. Stop talking now!
Bend the elbow - Drink alcohol.
Bender - To deliberately get drunk usually over a period of several days.
Better half - Spouse or partner. "Say hello to my better half".
Better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick - Things could be worse.
Bewdy - Excellent.
Bible-basher - Evangelical Christian. Also God botherer. Someone who can't resist shoving their version of 'the truth' down other people's throats.
Big bikkies - Lots of money.
Big note oneself - Boasting.
Big smoke - Cities or big towns. Can be anywhere bigger than where you are now.
Big sticks - Centre goal posts in Aussie Rules football.
Bike (the town) - Woman with no morals who has sex with anyone.
Biker - Member of a motorcycle club or gang. Also Bikie.
Bikkie - Biscuit.
Billabong - Waterhole.
Billiard ball (as sharp as a) - Dull witted.
Billy - A container for boiling water over a campfire.
Billy cart - Child's go kart.
Billy-o - To go very fast.
Bindy - A grass prickle.
Binge - To deliberately get drunk.
Bingle - Minor car accident.
Bite on (to put the) - Pressure someone for money.
Bite your bum - Same as saying 'Shut up.' or 'Piss off' but more polite.
Bities - Biting insects.
Bitser or bitzer - Mongrel dog. Bits of this, bits of that.
Bits-o-shitty - Mitsubishi car.
Bitumen blond - Aboriginal woman.
Bizzo - Business.
Black stump - A mythical place that signifies the end of civilisation. Hence the expression 'Beyond the black stump.'
Bleeder - Uncomplimentary term for a man.
Bleeding oath - Unqualified agreement. Also Bloody oath.
Blimey - Said when one is surprised.
Blind (drunk)- Very drunk.
Blind Freddy - Mythical person who is used as a comparison in a given situation. 'The tree was so big even Blind Freddy couldn't have missed seeing it.'
Bloke - Man. Another older term is cove.
Blood's worth bottling - Refers to someone who has admirable qualities.
Bloody - Known as the great Australian adjective. Used to emphasize many things.
Bloody oath - Unqualified agreement.
Blotto - Very drunk.
Blow a fuse - To lose your temper.
Blow in the bag - Breathalyser test.
Blow smoke / sunshine up your arse - To be complimentary in a way that seeks to gain favour. Similar to 'brown nose'.
Blow through - Someone who just passes through without staying long.
Blow your top - To lose your temper.
Blow-in - Uninvited guest.
Blower - Telephone.
Blowie - Blow fly.
Bludge or bludger - To take handouts without good reason. As in 'Long haired surfie dole bludgers.' The word originally meant 'pimp'.
Blue - An argument or a red-headed person. Also to make a mistake. I made a big blue.'
Blue Heeler - A type of Dog or a nickname for the police.
Blue-flier - Kangaroo.
Blue-nosed wowser - Some one who likes to spoil other people's fun.
Blues - Lights on a police patrol vehicle.
Bluey - A rolled up blanket (swag). Also a blue-heeler cattle dog or a person with red hair.
Bob's worth / two bob's worth - An opinion.
Bob's your uncle - Expresses the idea that once something is done, everything will be fine. 'Just get the mechanic to fix the car and then Bob's your uncle.'
Bobby dazzler - Something very good.
Bodgy - Poor quality or poorly done.
Bog - Toilet. (Also dunny, kybo, crapper, thunder box) To take a bog means to defecate.
Bog in - Usually an invitation to start eating.
Bog roll - Toilet paper.
Bog standard - Basic model. 'The car was bog standard.'
Bogan - Rough individual living a radical lifestyle. A defined sub-group who lack sociability and concern for others.
Bogged - Getting your vehicle stuck in deep sand or mud.
Boil the billy - To boil the kettle.
Boiler - An old woman or an old hen unfit to eat.
Boilover - When a favourite is beaten by an outsider. Mostly used with regard to sporting events.
Bolted - Ran away. "The cops turned up and Bruce bolted."
Bomb - An old clapped out car. "Jeez mate, where did you get that old bomb?"
Boner - Erection. "Bruce saw a porno mag and got a big boner."
Bonkers - Crazy. "Judy just went bonkers."
Bonza or bonzer - Excellent.
Boob - Foolish person or a mistake. Also a female breast.
Boofhead - Fool. "Greg is a real boofhead."
Bookie - bookmaker.
Boomer - Male kangaroo.
Boomerang - A rubber cheque (they bounce).
Boondie - Hard lump of sand. Usually used by kids for throwing at each other.
Boots'n'all - To do something with gusto.
Boong - Aborigine (insulting).
Booze artist - Heavy drinker. Also piss artist.
Booze bus - Mobile breathalysing station.
Booze-up - A party with more alcohol than food.
Boozer - Pub, hotel or a person who drinks too much.
Bore the pants off - Excessively boring.
Bored shitless - Very bored.
Boring as bat shit - Something that is very boring.
Botfly - Scrounger. Also called a scab.
Bottle shop also bottle-o - Liquor store.
Bottler - Expression used when something good happens, Ie. winning the lottery.. 'You little bottler!'
Bow wow - Usually a sound made by one of a group of males when an ugly woman walks by.
Bowerbird - Compulsive hoarder.
Boys in blue - Police.
Brass monkey weather - Very cold weather. (As in it's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey)
Brass razoo - Money. Usually said in the form of: 'I don't have a brass razoo.'
Breadbasket - Stomach.
Break open a coldie / tinnie - Open a beer. (Crack a tinnie)
Breaker - A person skilled in training wild horses.
Breather - Take a rest.
Breeze - Something easy. 'It was a breeze.'
Brekkie - Breakfast.
Brick shit house (built like a) - Someone who is large and usually muscular.
Brick short of a load - Not very clever.
Brickie - A bricklayer.
Bride's nightie (Up and down like a) - Anything that fluctuates.
Bright as a two watt globe - Not very clever.
Bright spark - Clever person. Can be sarcastic. 'You're a real bright spark aren't you?'
Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed - In good health and spirits.
Brizzie - Brisbane.
Broad in the beam - Someone with a big bum.
Brolly - Umbrella.
Brown eye - Showing ones bottom pulling the cheeks apart, similar but more vulgar than mooning.
Brown eyed mullet - Feces floating anywhere people swim.
Brown nose - To suck up, crawl to someone.
Brumby - Wild horse.
Brummy - Counterfeit..
Buckley's chance - No chance at all.
Budgie smugglers - Man's swimming costume, usually tight fitting as in Speedos. (Also cozzie etc.)
Buffin' the muffin - Having sex.
Bugger - In Australia the word bugger is not used for its traditional meaning (which I am not about to discuss here).
Its meaning depends on how it is used. "How are you going you old bugger" is actually a friendly greeting. "Bugger me!" is an exclamation (not an invitation),
used to express surprise or mild disappointment. "What a rotten little bugger" expresses derision.
Bugger off - To leave or to tell someone to leave. Can be used for ones self of for another person. "I'm going to bugger off if the boos comes back.' or 'You can bugger off!'.
Bugger-all - Nothing. Q. 'How much did you get?' A. 'Bugger all!'
Buggered - Exhausted. 'It was a long walk and when I finished I was buggered.'
Buggered if I know - No idea at all.
Buggerlugs - Affectionate nick name. "Come on buggerlugs, let's go."
Buggery - A mythical place that you tell someone to go to (rude). 'You can go to buggery!'
Bugle - Nose.
Built like a brick shit house - Anything that is very big and strong. 'He was built like a brick shit house.'
Bull artist - Liar or exaggerator.
Bull bar - Protective bar bolted on the front of a vehicle. A smaller version is called a roo bar.
Bull dust - A lie. (also bull twang, bull shit both of which are more offensive ways of saying the same thing.)
Bullamakanka - Another mythical place in the middle of nowhere.
Bully for you - Good for you. (Can also be said sarcastically.)
Bum - Bottom or a down and out person.
Bum fluff - Adolescent's first facial hair.
Bum Nut - Egg.
Bummer - A big disappointment. "It's a real bummer that Steve didn't get the promotion."
Bun in the oven - Pregnant. Also up the duff or preggers.
Bunch of fives - A clenched fist. Usually someone is 'given' a bunch of fives. The same thing as a knuckle sandwich.
Bung - Something broken or carelessly put somewhere. "The car's gone bung again" or "Just bung your togs over there."
Bung it on / bung on an act - To over act or pretend that things are worse than they are.
Bunyip - Mythical creature.
Burl - To try something. 'Ok, let's give it a burl.'
Burr up - To get angry. 'Gee the boss burred up pretty badly when I didn't show up at work.'
Bush - Anywhere away from town. 'I'm heading out bush.' Also female pubic hair.
Bush baptist - Same as bible basher. Religious zealot.
Bush bash - Drive across country where there are no roads.
Bush lawyer - Someone willing to argue the merit of their case based more on their personality than on facts..
Bush oyster - Nasal mucus, usually referred to when snorted in and swallowed (yuk!)
Bush pig - An ugly person. (Usually woman - sorry ladies.)
Bush quack - Bush doctor, untrained, unqualified and sometimes unreliable.
Bush ranger / whacker - Outlaw.
Bush telegraph - The way messages travel quickly by unconventional means. Can also refer to gossip.
Bush tucker - Food drawn from sources in the bush.
Bush TV - campfire.
Bushed - exhausted; lost; tired.
Bushfire blonde - Red headed woman. For men the name Blue or Bluey is often used.
Bushie - farmer or someone that has lived in the country all their lives.
Bushy tailed - Healthy and wide awake. As in 'Bright eyed and bushy tailed.'
Bust a gut - To work very hard.
Buster - Generalised name for a stranger. Similar in some ways to 'mate'. 'Hey Buster, get a move on I'm in a hurry.'
Busting - Need to go to the toilet quickly. 'Hurry up in there, I'm busting.'
Busy as a centipede on a hotplate - Very busy.
Busy as one legged bloke in an arse kicking contest - Someone who is doing nothing.
Butcher's hook - Rhyming slang for 'take a look'.
By a cat's whisker - Just managed to do something.
Cab (first cab off the rank) - To get in before others.
Cabbage patcher - Someone from the state of Victoria.
Cack-handed - Left handed.
Cackleberry - Chicken's egg.
Cactus - Spoiled or ruined. 'The car was cactus.'
Cadge - Beg, steal or borrow but always in a friendly manner. 'Hey mate, can I cadge a smoke off you?'
Cake, takes the - Something amazing. Rob got another pay rise he didn't deserve, well if that doesn't take the cake!
Cake hole - Mouth. As in 'Shut your cake hole!'
Call 'Ralph' - Vomit.
Call it a day - To finish work for the day.
Camp as a row of tents - Homosexual male.
Can - Toilet.
Can't take a trick - Someone who is unlucky.
Cancer stick - Cigarette. (Also coffin nail.)
Cane toad - Someone from Queensland.
Captain Cook - Rhyming slang for 'take a look'. "Hang on I'll just have a Captain Cook round the corner."
Cark it - To die. "Poor old Bruce carked it last week."
Carpet grub - Small child usually a toddler.
Carpet muncher - Lesbian
Carry on like a pork chop - To be silly or express frustration or anger that is out of proportion to the problem.
Carton - Simply a box of beer cans or stubbies but also used as currency. 'That'll cost you a carton.'
Cat's hiss - Rhyming slang for 'take a piss'.
Cat's pajamas - refers to a person who thinks they're better than others. He thinks he's the cat's pajamas. Like bee's knees etc.
Cat's piss (mean as) - A person who is mean.
Chalkie - Teacher. (under-rated, under-paid and over-worked).
Charge like a wounded bull - Ridiculously high prices. (See any shop in the country to experience this.)
Chateau de cardboard - Cask wine.
Cheap as chips - Inexpensive. (Prices that used to exist in shops but are seen no more.)
Cheap drunk - Some one who gets drunk after only one or two drinks.
Cheapskate - Penny pincher, tight wad, money grubber, long pockets short arms, Ie. a miser.
Cheerio - Fare well statement.
Cheese and kisses - Rhyming slang 'missus' the wife.
Cheese (old) - Female head of a family.
Chew and spew - Cheap eating joint with poor quality food.
Chew the fat - To have a long talk.
Chewie - Chewing gum or bubble gum.
Chiack - Make fun of but with good humour.(outdated)
Chickenshit - Too afraid to do anything. 'Greg was just chickenshit.'
China plate - Rhyming slang for a 'mate'. 'Ow yer goin' me old china plate?'
Chinaman, I must have killed a - Having bad luck.
Chinwag - To have a long talk.
Chippie - Carpenter.
Chockers, chock a block - Very full. Can refer to eating food or fitting things into something.
Chokie - Chocolate.
Choof off - To leave.
Chook - A chicken. May also refer to an older woman Ie. "Give us a break you old chook!"
Chop (not much) - Expression meaning something isn't much good.
Choppers - Teeth, real or false.
Chrissie - Christmas.
Chrome dome - Bald head.
Chuck a sickie - Taking sick leave without being sick. (A national past time.)
Chuck a U-ie - To do a U-Turn in a vehicle.
Chuck a wobbly / spaz - A temper tantrum.
Chuck up - Vomit. (Also Up-chuck.)
Chunder - Vomit.
Chunderous - Something that makes you feel sick.
Clacker - Anus. As in: "Do that again and I'll put my boot up your clacker!"
Clagged out - Exhausted.
Clanger - To make a big mistake. Usually in conversation as in; 'He really dropped a clanger.'
Clayton's - Substitute for the real thing. Originates from a non-alcoholic drink that was promoted as a substitute for spirits.
Clean skin - Unbranded cattle or a bottle of wine with no label.
Click - A kilometre. "Not far now, just a few clicks."
Climb the wall - Go crazy.
Clink - Prison. Obey the law or you will end up in clink.
Clobber - Clothes or also meaning to hit someone. 'Go get your clobber on.' or 'He got clobbered in the fight.'
Clock - To hit someone. 'Did you see that? Bruce really clocked him.'
Clodhoppers - Feet. 'Get your clodhoppers off the sofa.'
Clout - To hit or to have influence. 'Shut up or I'll give you a clout!' or 'Bruce has some clout with the coach so watch out.'
Clucky - A woman who wants to have a baby.
Clued up - Well informed.
Cluey - Knowledgeable.
Coathanger (the) - Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Cobber - Friend.
Cock and bull story - A tall tale.
Cockroach - Queensland expression for people from New South Wales. Also Mexican (Ie. from south of the border).
Cocky (or cockie) - Farmer can also be used to describe someone who is a smart arse. A smart arse farmer would be a cocky, cockie. This can also be a cockatoo or a cockroach.
Cocky's joy - Golden syrup.
Codger (old) - Old man.
Codswallop - A load of nonsense.
Coffin nail - Cigarette.
Cold as a mother-in-law's kiss - Unwelcoming.
Cold shoulder - To be uninterested. Jack was interested in her but she gave him the cold shoulder.
Coldie - Cold beer.
Collywobbles - Not feeling to well. She looked like she had the collywobbles.
Come a cropper - Literally to fall down but also means to suffer bad luck.
Come a gutser - Have an accident.
Compo - Payment made to employees who are injured while working. Compensation.
Conchie - Conscientious objector during a war.
Conk - Nose. 'Wow have you got a big conk or what?'
Cooee - A call made in the bush when trying to attract attention.
Cook the books - Falsify business accounts.
Coot - Old unpleasant man.
Cop - Policeman or to be on the receiving end of something unpleasant.
Cop a piece of lead - To be hit by a bullet.
Cop it sweet - To accept defeat with good grace.
Cop shop - Police station.
Cop-u-later - Can be a farewell but can also be used as a 'sounds like' for the word copulator.
Corker - Excellent.
Cornstalk - Person from New South Wales.
Corroboree - Aboriginal ritual dance.
Cossie - Swimming costume. 'Hey Bruce, get your cossie on, we're going for a swim.'
Cot case - Crazy person.
Cotton on - Understand something.
Could eat a horse and chase the rider - More than just hungry.
Could kick the arse off an emu - In very good health.
Could sell boomerangs to the Aboriginals - Very persuasive person. Australian adaptation of 'could sell refrigerators to the Eskimos'.
Couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag - A weak person.
Couldn't get a kick in a stampede - Unlucky person.
Couldn't give a continental - Couldn't care less.
Couldn't give a crap / shit - Couldn't care less.
Couldn't hit the side of a barn - Someone with poor aim.
Couldn't knock the skin off a rice pudding - A weak person.
Couldn't lie straight in bed - A liar.
Couldn't organise a screw in a brothel - An inept person.
Couldn't run a chook raffle in a country pub - An inept person.
Counter lunch - Lunch sold in a country pub.
Cove - Old slang for Bloke, man etc.
Cow juice - Milk. (Also moo juice.)
Cows come home (waiting 'till the) - Waiting for a long time.
Cozzie - Swimming costume. (Also speedos)
Crack a fat - To get an erection. (Also crack a horn.)
Crack a tinnie - Open a can of beer.
Crack onto (someone) - Romantically 'hit' on someone.
Cracker (don't have a) - To be broke.
Crackerjack - A good idea.
Cradle snatcher - Someone going out with someone else who is much younger..
Cranky - Bad tempered.
Crap - Excrement; shit.
Crapper - Toilet.
Crash - Stay over at someone's place. 'Hey Bruce, can I crash at your place tonight?'
Crash hot - Excellent. 'She is a crash hot sheila.'
Crawler - A person trying to gain favour. (Brown nose, arse licker etc.)
Creamed - To be annihilated. 'The Blues really got creamed in the game last Saturday.'
Creeping Jesus - Evangelical Christian. (Same as bible basher).
Cripes / crikey - Exclamation of surprise.
Croak / croak it - To die.
Crock - Lie.
Crockery - Teeth.
Crook - Can mean either feeling ill or a criminal. 'I feel crook today.' or 'All politicians are crooks'.
Crooked as a dog's hind leg - Something out of alignment or a thief.
Crow-eater - South Australian resident.
Crown jewels - Male genitalia. (Also family jewels.)
Cruddy - Low quality item.
Crumblies - Frail old people.
Crust (to earn a) - To work for an income.
Cubby house - Children's play house.
Cultural cringe - Refers to Australians who think Australian things are not good enough compared to things from other countries. This is thankfully less apparent today.
Cuppa - A cup (or mug) of tea or coffee.
Curly - Bald person.
Curry (give someone) - Make things difficult for someone.
Cushy - Anything easy.
Cut - A share of something. 'Hey Bruce, don't forget to give me my cut.'
Cut snake (mad as a) - Very VERY upset about something.
Dag - A practical joker or dried sheep poo stuck to the wool on a sheep's bum.
Daggy - Unfashionable.
Daks - Trousers.
Damage - The cost of something as in 'What's the damage?'
Damper - Basic unleavened bread made from flour, water and salt. Usually cooked in a camp fire.
Dander - Anger. Someone with their 'dander up' is to be avoided.
Darwin stubby - A normal stubby is a small bottle of beer. A Darwin stubby is a HUGE bottle of beer.
Date - Sphincter.
Dead as mutton - Dead.
Dead but won't lie down - Can mean persistent person but is often used when describing real dead people (like Princess Dianna or Elvis) who are dead but never seem to be out of the press.
Dead cert - A sure thing, a certainty.
Dead dingo's donger (as dry as a) - Very dry.
Dead eye Dick - Someone with a good aim. Les always hit the target, he was a read dead eye Dick.
Dead horse (trying to flog a) - A hopeless cause.
Dead set - Same as dead cert.
Dead to the world - Sleeping very soundly.
Deadbeat - Useless person.
Deadset - Very focused or without doubt.
Death warmed up - Very sick. I caught the flu and now I feel like death warmed up.
Dekko - To look.
Derro - Homeless person with addiction problems. Comes from the word derelict.
Dial - Face.
Dice - To throw away.
Dick - Penis.
Dick head - Fool or idiot.
Dicky - Poor quality or unwell. 'I bought a dicky watch in Bali.' / 'I was feeling a bit dicky the other day.'
Diddle - Swindle.
Didn't bat an eyelid - Showed no reaction or emotion.
Didn't come down in the last shower - Someone who can't easily be fooled.
Digger - Originally used to describe gold miners but later became a term to describe someone in the Australian Army.
Digs - The place you live in.
Dill - Fool.
Dilly - Silly.
Dilly-bag - A bag used to carry food.
Ding - Italian (or other southern European). Uncomplimentary term..
Dingalling / dingbat - Fool.
Dingdong - A fight or argument.
Dingy - Small aluminium boat.
Dinkum - Authentic Australian. Usually 'Fair dinkum.'
Dinky - To take a passenger on a pushbike (usually on the handlebars.)
Dinky di - Authentic Australian.
Dip out - To withdraw.
Dip the lid - Remove your hat (general term of deference).
Dipstick - Fool.
Dirty - To cheat someone. 'The politicians did the dirty on us poor old taxpayers again!'
Dishy - Attractive.
Ditched - Thew away, got rid of. Bob ditched his old car when it broke down.
Divvy up - Separate or share out.
Ditch - To discard or throw away. 'The old car was always breaking down, so I ditched it.'
Do a flit - Run away from something.
Do a Melba - Return from retirement many times.
Do a perish - Die (usually in the outback.)
Do me a favor - Don't tell me lies or fibs.
Do the dirty - To do the wrong thing to someone.
Do your block - Lose your temper.
Do your dash - Reach your limit especially with regard to gambling.
Do your lolly / na-na / nut - Lose your temper.
Do your dough - Spend or lose all your money.
Dob - To inform on someone. 'Bruce dobbed in his mate for selling drugs.'
Dobber - An informer.
Docker - Port worker. Someone who works at the docks.
Doesn't know if he's / she's Arthur or Martha - Confused.
Doesn't miss a trick - Alert to every opportunity.
Dog and bone - Phone. Rhyming slang.
Dog's breakfast - A mess.
Dole bludger - Someone taking government handouts without good reason.
Don't come the raw prawn - Don't try to trick me.
Don't pick your nose or your head will cave in - Calling someone stupid.
Done like a dinner - Comprehensively defeated.
Dong - To hit someone.
Donga - Rough accommodation and more recently, a general term for sleeping quarters..
Donger - Penis.
Donk - Vehicle engine.
Donkey's years - A long long time.
Donkey vote - An invalid vote in an election, usually cast that way deliberately.
Dooks / Dookas - Fists. 'Put up your dooks' is an invitation to fight.
Doona - Lined bedding made from synthetic fibre, feathers or wool.
Dork - Fool.
Dorothy Dixer - A question, prepared in advance, to make the person questioned look good. Usually used by politicians.
Dosh - Money.
Doss-house - Boarding house.
Dotty - A bit strange. Jill is getting a bit dotty in her old age.
Double-dink - To carry a passenger on a push-bike (bicycle) on the handlebars and another on the back. Dink or dinky was to carry just one passenger.
Doughnuts - To spin the wheels of a car in order to leave circular rubber marking on the road.
Down the hatch! - Said before taking a drink of something or taking medicine.
Down under - Australia.
Drag - Women's clothing worn by a man. 'Bruce was in drag on Saturday night'.
Drag the chain - Lag behind, go slow.
Dreamtime - Aboriginal culture and religion is centered on their 'genesis' beliefs. The dreamtime can be viewed as the Aboriginal view of 'genesis'. Ie. How everything began.
Dribs and drabs - A bit at a time.
Drink with the flies - Drink alone (due mostly to unpopularity.)
Drip - Foolish person.
Drippy - Boring.
Drongo - Idiot.
Droob - Slow witted. Similar to nong, drongo and drip.
Drop a clanger - To say something very inappropriate.
Drop kick - Slow witted.
Drop your bundle - To have a nervous breakdown.
Drop your guts / lunch - Fart loudly.
Drop-bears - Mythical creatures which jump from trees and sink their fangs into the heads of their victims. Said to look like koalas.
Drover - Cattlemen who herded cattle over the vast distances of the outback
Drover's dog - Lowest common denominator in abilities. 'It was so easy a drover's dog could have done it.'
Drown some worms - Fishing.
Drum (the) - The truth.
Duck - Zero, nothing. 'Bruce went in to bat but was out for a duck.'
Duck's disease - Long body but short legs.
Duck's nuts - The best. 'Bruce's new car is the duck's nuts.'
Ducky double - Used to express delight in something good. Apparently comes from a type of ice-cream favoured by children.
Duco - Pasintwork, usually in reference to a car. 'Did you see the duco on that old Holden mate?'
Dud - Bad or useless. 'My last car was a real dud.'
Dudder - Con-man.
Duds / dacks - Trousers / clothes.
Duff - See duffing.
Duff (up the) - Pregnant. 'Cheryl is up the duff.'
Duff up - Beat someone up.
Duffer - Fool but a popular one. 'He's a silly old duffer.'
Duffing - Stealing livestock.
Dull as a month of Sundays - Very boring.
Dummy (to spit the) - Lose one's temper.
Dumper - A wave that dumps surfers into the sand.
Dunking - Dip a biscuit into a cup of tea or coffee.
Dunny - Toilet.
Dust-up - A fight.
Dyke / Dike - Lesbian.
Ear-basher - A person who can't stop talking.
Ears, wet behind the - Inexperienced. He's new to the job and still wet behind the ears.
Earwig - Listen in on someone else's conversation.
Egg, bad - A really rotten person.
Egg beater - Helicopter.
Eighty proof - Refers to a spirit drink, usually rum.
El cheapo - Cheap and nasty or a miser.
Emma Chisit - How much is it?
Enzed - New Zealand.
Esky - A portable container used to keep things (especially beer) cold.
Even stevens - Equal or fair result.
Every bastard and his dog - Means too many people.
Face fungus - Beard.
Face like a chook's arse - Someone who is showing their misery on their face.
Fang - Drive a car a high speed (now obsolete).
Fancy - Like. I don't fancy any of that black pudding. I really fancy her.
Fag - Cigarette or homosexual.
Fair crack of the whip! - Asking for a fair chance. Also 'Fair suck of the sauce bottle etc.'
Fair dinkum - What I'm saying is true. 'It's fair dinkum mate!'
Fair go mate - Asking for a fair chance.
Fair suck of the sauce / sav - Asking for a fair chance.
Fairy - Homosexual.
Fall for - Either attraction or being conned. She is so pretty, I could really fall for her. Bob is a con-man, I'd never fall for his schemes.
Fancy, tickles my - Amuses or interests. The camera in teh shop window tickled my fancy.
Fat chance - No chance.
Fell of the back of a truck - An item that was stolen..
Feral - Generally refers to young untidy and dirty individuals. Technically anything gone wild.
Few stubbies short of a six pack - Slow witted.
Fibber - Liar.
FIGJAM - Fuck I'm Good, Just Ask Me. Usually said about someone who loves themselves.
Fit as a mallee bull - In good health.
Fit the bill - Suitable for something. Ah a 10mm spanner, that will fit the bill nicely.
Five finger discount - Stealing from a shop.
Fizzer - A disappointment.
Flake - Commonly used in fish and chip shops to try and disguise the fact that the fish is really shark. Shark is actually very good to eat.
Flake out - Collapse exhausted.
Flash as a rat with a gold tooth - Overdressed to a point where it is painfully obvious.
Flat chat - Going as fast as possible.
Flat out like a lizard drinking - Working extremely hard.
Flat to the boards - Going as fast as possible or working very hard.
Fleece - To steal, over-charge or cheat. 'Bloody servo fellced me when I filled up the petrol tank'
Flick (to give the) - To dismiss something or someone. 'My girlfriend gave me the flick.'
Flicks - Movies shown at a picture theatre.
Flies skating rink - Bald man's head.
Flip your lid - Lose your temper.
Floater - Meat pie in a dish of green pea soup. (South Australian speciality) also means faeces floating in water.
Flog - To steal but can also mean to sell something.
Flog the log - Masturbate.
Flophouse - Very cheap accommodation.
Fluff - To fart or to make a mistake.
Fluff (a bit of) - Girlfriend or female lover.
Flutter - A small bet. 'A flutter on the nags' is to bet on a horse race.
Flynn (in like) - Usually means having sex. Refers to Australian movie actor, Errol Flynn who was notorious for seducing women (and later for being bi-sexual.)
Folding stuff - Money (notes not coins).
Footy - Australian Rules Football. (English football is called soccer.)
For crying out loud - Expression of anger.
Form - Used in regard to race horse performance but also indicates that someone has a criminal record.n
Fossick - Search for gold that is on the surface.
Fossick around - Look around for something.
Four by two - A lump of wood that is just the ideal size for hitting someone.
Four mile wailer - Loud siren used to alert volunteer fire fighters.
Fox - An attractive woman (opposite of dog.)
Franger - Condom.
Fred Nerk - your average citizen like John Doe, Joe Blow, Joe Bloggs.
Freebie - A gift or anything that is free.
Fremantle doctor - cool breeze that blows into Perth and Fremantle most afternoons in summer.
French letter / Frenchy - Condom.
Fried eggs - Small breasts.
Front - Someone who shows audacity. 'Bruce had a lot of front talking to that shiela. She is way out of his league'
Fruit cake / loopy - Stupid or mad person.
Fuck truck - Panel van. These are usually owned by teenagers who fit them out with a mattress, carpeted walls, stereos etc. Same as Shaggin Wagon.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on - Expression of disagreement.
Fuddy duddy - Someone who is old-fashioned and a bit stuck-up.
Full as a boot - Drunk.
Full as a goog - So full of food it is impossible to eat any more. A goog is an egg.
Full of beans - Lots of energy.
Fun bags - Woman's breasts.
Funny as a fart in a phone box / elevator - Not funny.
Funny farm - Mental hospital. Same as loony bin.
Fur Burger - Female genitalia - unshaved version.
Furphy - A false or misleading statement. Same as Red herring.
Galah - Silly person.
G'day - The most common Australian greeting, Literally 'Good day'.
Gaga - Silly. John got on the booze and went completely gaga.
Galoot (big) - Silly person. (no longer in common use).
Game as Ned Kelly - Brave but also foolhardy. Refers to Australia's most famous bush ranger.
Gander (take a) - To have a look.
Garbage guts - Someone who will eat anything.
Garbo - Person who is employed to remove rubbish from bins. New PC term 'Sanitary engineer'.
Garden path, up the - To lead on. I really liked her but she led me up the garden path.
Gargle - To have a drink.
Gas, cooking with - Progressing well. He was a bit slow at first but now he's cooking with gas.
Gasbag - Chatterbox someone who talks too much.
Gazunder / Guzunder - A potty or chamber pot. So caller because it 'goes under' the bed.
Geek - Someone who is smart but not cool.
Get on like a house on fire - To get on well with a new acquaintance.
Get on your goat - To irritate someone
Get stuck into - Do something with energy and enthusiasm.
Get the arse - To be fired from your employment. Also Get the axe
Get the drift? - Do you understand?
Get the Guernsey - To be selected for something.
Get your arse into gear - To stop relaxing and get on with work.
Get your dander up - To get angry.
Gibber - Dry plains covered in pebbles.
Ging - A shanghai, hand held catapult.
Ginger Meggs - Someone with red hair.
Give it a burl - To try and do something.
Give it the flick - Get rid of something.
Give up the ghost - Either to die or to abandon something. Mick went fishing but there were no bites so he gave up the ghost.
Glad eye - Enticing look.
Glutton for punishment - Someone who doesn't know when to quit.
Go bush - To head out away from the city into the outback.
Go crook - To get angry.
Go down the gurgler - Business or venture failure.
Go like the clappers - Going very fast.
Go through like a dose of salts - Work very fast.
Go two rounds with a revolving door (couldn't) - Weak person.
Go walkabout - To take off somewhere without warning.
Gob - Mouth. As in 'shut your gob.'
God botherer - Religious fanatic. Similar to Bible basher.
Godzone - 'God's own' country = Australia.
Goer - Something that is a strong possibility. 'Looks like the project is a goer.'.
Going like hot cakes - An item or product that sells fast.
Going there and back to see how far it is - Said when someone wants to know where you are going and you don't want to say. Also see the next entry.
Going to see a man about a dog - Said when you don't want to reveal where you are going.
Gone on someone - To be in love. 'Bruce is pretty gone on Marge.'
Gone to the dogs - Something that is no longer any good. 'The whole place has gone to the dogs.'
Gone troppo - To go crazy after spending too long in the tropical north.
Gong - Either an award of some sort; 'He got a gong in the Queen's honours list.' or to be worn out as in; 'The motor has had the gong.'
Good as gold - Very good.
Good nick - To be in good shape. 'That EH Holden is in good nick.'
Good sort - Attractive woman.
Goodonya - Expression of approval.
Good-oh - Exclamation of satisfaction.
Goofing off - Mucking around instead of working.
Googoo eyes - To show you are attracted. She made googoo eyes at him all night but he ignored her.
Goog - Egg.
Got space to sell between the ears - Stupid.
Grass, get off the - Stop telling lies.
Gravy - Good looking man. (Obsolete)
Grease ball - A person of Medditerranian origin.
Greaser - Crawler.
Green around the gills - Feeling ill.
Greenie - An environmentalist. Also known as a tree hugger.
Grey ghost - Parking inspector.
Grizzle guts - A complainer.
Grog - Alcohol.
Grog on - To drink a lot of grog.
Grog shop - A place that retails alcohol.
Grommet - Junior surfer.
Grotty - Dirty or untidy.
Grouse - Very good.
Grub - Dirty or untidy person. Also food. Greg is a real grub, never takes a bath. / Fix me some grub will ya?
Grumble bum - A complainer.
Gully - Small valley.
Gully raker - A cattle thief also called a duffer.
Gumboot - Wellington boots.
Gummy - Toothless.
Gumsucker - A person from Victoria.
Gunner / gunna - Someone who procrastinates. They are always 'gunna' do something but never do.
Guns, going great - Doing very well. The new appentice is going great guns.
Gunyah - A small poorly constructed dwelling.
Gurgler - Plug hole. As in 'The business went down the gurgler.'
Gutzer - To fail at something. 'Bruce came a real gutzer when he tried out for the footy team'.
Guzzle - Drink quickly.
Gyp - Swindle.
Had (to be) - To be conned.
Hair like a bush pig's arse - Untidy hair.
Hair of the dog that bit you (to have a) - Drinking more alcohol as a hangover cure.
Hairs on your chest (put) - Something you eat or drink that is not very nice or is very strong.
Half baked - Not done or worked out properly. That ia a half baked idea.
Half cut - Drunk.
Half inch - Rhyming slang for 'pinch' to steal something.
Half pinter - Small person.
Halfback flanker - Rhyming slang for wanker.
Handles like a dog on lino - Handles very badly.
Hang out - Spend time together.
Hanky panky - Sex or sex play. I think there was some hanky panky going on between them.
Happy as a bastard on Father's day - Very unhappy.
Happy as a pig in mud - Very happy.
Happy as Larry - Very happy.
Hard word - To put the hard word on someone is to ask for money.
Hard'n - Hard one (caused by constipation)
Hardcase - Narrow minded person.
Harp on - To nag. Don't harp on woman!
Has a death adder in his / her pocket - A miser.
Has a few palings missing from the fence - Mentally unstable.
Has a snout on someone - Have a grudge against someone.
Has white ants in the woodwork - Mentally unstable.
Hasn't got a bean / cracker - Has no money.
Hasn't got all four paws on the mouse - Not a very bright person.
Hasn't got an earthly - No chance at all.
Have a blow - Take a rest. (Means something completely different in modern slang).
Have a gig - Take a look.
Have a slash - Urinate.
Have a snort - Drink an alcoholic drink usually spirits.
Have a sticky beak - Being nosey.
Haven't got two bob to rub together - Has no money.
Head - Nautical term for toilet can also mean fellatio. (Look it up if you don't know).
Head like a mini with the doors open - Someone with large or protruding ears.
Head like a robber's dog - Very ugly person.
Heaps - Lots of something.
Heart starter - First coffee of the day.
Heave - Vomit.
Heave-ho - Get rid of or throw out. The boss gave me the old heave-ho and now I'm out of work.
Heebie-jeebies / screaming heebie-jeebies - To be frightened or repulsed.
Heifer - Heavily built woman (not fat but big).
Hen - Woman (probably because of all the cackling sounds.).
Hen fruit - Eggs.
Hen's teeth (rare as) - Something that is very rare.
Hide the sausage / salami (play) - Sexual intercourse.
Higgldey piggledy - All mixed up. The things in the house were all higgledy piggledy.
Hissy fit - A tantrum. She didn't get the dress she wanted and threw a hissy fit.
Hit the hay / sack - Go to bed.
Hogwash - Nonsense. Joe said he won a prize but it was just a load of hogwash.
Hoity toity - Someone who is stuck-up, thinks they are better than others.
Holus-bolus - Everything at once. He threw out his collection of beer cans, holus-bolus.
Home and hosed - Completed a task.
Hoo Ha - Nonsense. Johnno was talking about the best footy team but it was a load of hoo ha.
Hooroo - Bye bye.
Hooey - Something unture. That's a load of hooey!
Hooks - Fingers.
Hoon - Badly behaved young person. Same as yobbo. Used to mean the same as pimp.
Hooroo - Farewell.
Hooter - Nose.
Horizontal exercise / dancing / lambarda - Sexual intercourse.
Horses for courses - The right thing for the right task.
Hot under the collar - Get angry.
Hotter than a shearer's armpit - Very hot weather.
Hottie - An attractive woman.
Hubby - Husband. (Also old man)
Humdinger - Very good.
Hump (to) - Have sexual intercourse.
Hump a bluey or swag - Old term for carrying a swag.
Humpy - Rough shack.
Hung like a Mallee bull - Man with big genitals.
Hungry as a black dog - Famished.
I hope your chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down! - A common Australian curse.
Ickle - Tiny, small.
Icy pole - Frozen ice popsicle.
Idiot box - Television.
Iffy - Doubtful origin. 'That meat looks a bit iffy to me.'
If he laughed, his face would crack - An unhappy person.
If his brains were dynamite he wouldn't have enough t blow his balls off - Dim witted person.
Ikey Mo - A Jew.
Illywhacker - Con man.
I'll be buggered - An exclamation of surprise.
I'll be a monkey's uncle - An exclamation of surprise.
In a tizz - Very confused.
In good nick - In good shape.
Innings - Term of someone's life. 'He had a good innings.'
In the cactus - In trouble.
In the club / pudding club - Pregnant.
In the nick - In gaol.
In ya boot! - I don't agree with you.
Iron lung (wouldn't work in an) - Lazy individual.
Iron out - To sort out a problem.
Iron stomach - Someone who can eat anything and never gets sick. Ralph has an iron stomach.
Is the Pope a Catholic? - Something obviously true. Variations include, 'Does a bear shit in the forest?'
It's a freckle past a hair - Said when someone asks you the time when you don't have a watch. Also a hair past a tooth.
I've seen a better head on a glass of beer - Said to someone you think is ugly.
Ivories - Teeth or keys of a piano.
Jack of - Fed up with. 'Jeez I'm jack-of this place.'
Jack of all trades (master of none) - Someone who can do many things reasonably well but is not particularly skilled in any one area.
Jack off - Masturbate.
Jack up - To raise prices unnecessarily.
Jackaroo - Apprentice stockman. Jillaroo is the female version.
Jacksie - Backside, bottom, bum.
Jaffle - Toasted sandwich with sealed edges.
Jake, she's - All good. How's the new car running? Oh, she's jake.
Jam jars - Thick lenses on spectacles. More commonly called Coke bottle ends.
Jeeze - Exclamation of surprise.
Jerk off - Masturbate.
Jerry - Potty. Same as guz-under.
Jesus wept! - Exclamation of exasperation.
Jewish stocktake - Burning down your own business.
Jiffy - A short space of time. 'I'll be with you in a jiffy.'
Jiggered - Broken. Also and exclamation of surprise; 'I'll be jiggered!'
Jilgie also gilgie - Freshwater crayfish also called 'yabbie.'
Jillaroo - Female Jackaroo.
Jimjams - Pajamas.
Jimmy riddle - Rhyming slang for piddle.
Jocks - Male underpants. Also Jock is someone from Scotland.
Joe - Ewe - female sheep.
Joe Blake - Rhyming slang for snake.
Joe Bloggs - Average man. Also Joe Blow.
Joey - Baby kangaroo.
Joker - Stranger.
Jumbuck - Sheep.
Jump, take a running - Get lost, go away.
Jumper - Pullover, sweater or jersey.
Jungle juice - Home made alcoholic drink.
Kangaroo hop - Jerky motion of a car driven by a learner who has not mastered the clutch.
Kangaroos loose in the top paddock - Crazy person.
Kark it - Die.
Keen as mustard - Very enthusiastic.
Keep one for Ron - Keep something for later on.
Keep your end up - Contribute, pull your weight.
Kerfuffle - Disturbance.
Khyber Pass - Rhyming slang for arse.
Kick a goal - To succeed in having sexual intercourse.
Kick in - To donate money for a good cause. 'Come on mate, kick in for the charity.'
Kich the bucket - Die.
Kiddiewink - Child.
Kindy - Kindergarden.
King hit - A single devastating punch that usually knock one's opponent out. Similar to a 'haymaker' in English slang.
King ping - Leader of something.
Kip - Brief sleep.
Kiss-Chasey - Flirting, usually a term used by children about adults.
Kiss of death - Doomed to failure.
Kiwi - New Zealander. Also used and more derogatory 'wee wee'.
Knackered - Exhausted.
Knee high to a grasshopper - Short person.
Knickers - Female underwear.
Knob - Penis.
Knock - Criticise someone or to have sexual intercourse.
Knock-off time - End of the working day.
Knock back - Refusal.
Knocked up - Pregnant or very worn out. Rosemary got knocked up the other week. / The horse knocked up after a week in the desert.
Knockers - People who criticise or a woman's breasts.
Knocking shop - Brothel.
Knotted (get) - Same as Bugger off! Get stuffed! etc.
Know a thing or two - To have good knowledge of something.
Know all - Someone who thinks they know everything.
Knuckle sandwich - Punch in the mouth.
Knuckles - A game played mostly by school boys which involves trying to hit each other's knuckles.
Lacky band - Elastic band.
Lair - A youth that is obnoxious and dresses in a flashy manner.
Lairise around - To draw attention to yourself by doing annoying or stupid things.
Lame brained - Silly person.
Land shark - Property developer.
Larrikin - A (usually) likeable person who does nor necessarily follow all the rules.
Lashing out - Spending money outrageously or a violent outburst.
Laugh at the lawn - Vomit outside.
Laughing jackass - Kookaburra.
Launch - To attack or throw. 'Kev insulted Bruce's missus so he launched in to him.' or 'He launched a rock a Bruce's head.'
Lav - Toilet.
Lead you up the garden path - To give misleading information.
Leak (to take a) - Urinate.
Leckie - Electrician. Also Sparkie.
Leftie - Socialist or communist. Also usually applied to greenies. Term used mostly by right wing fascist types.
Leg opener - Alcoholic drink (usually disguised) to make women lose their sexual inhibition.
Leg pull - A joke.
Legal eagle - Lawyer or solicitor. (The way they like to think of themselves anyway!)
Legged it - Ran away. 'Bruce heard the his missus was looking for him so he legged it.'
Legless - Very drunk.
Lemon - A useless product. 'My last car was a real lemon.'
Lezzo - Lesbian. (Also Dyke).
Lid - Hat, usually hard safety hat.
Lie doggo - To hide. 'The coppers were after me so I thought I'd lie doggo for a while.'
Lift doesn't go all they way to the top floor - Slow witted.
Lights are on but nobody's home - Slow witted.
Like a one-legged man at an arse-kicking party - Out of place.
Like a possum up a gum tree - Very happy and contented.
Like a shag on a rock - Alone. To stand out.
Like a stunned mullet - Astonished and surprised.
Like a two-bob watch - Erratic.
Like billyo - To do something with great energy and enthusiasm.
Like the clappers - Very fast. 'The goanna went like the clappers when he saw the dingo.'
Like two ferrets fighting in a sack - Said when looking at a large woman's wobbly bum.
Like watching paint dry - Very boring. Also watching the grass grow.
Lippy - Lipstick.
Liquid amber - Beer.
Liquid laugh - Vomit.
Liquid lunch - Lunch of only beer.
Lit up like a Manly ferry - Very drunk.
Little beauty / little ripper - A good thing.
Little boys - Cocktail sausages (Savs)
Little house - Outdoor dunny.
Little Vegemites - Children.
Lively as a blow fly on a winter's day - No energy.
Living the life or Riley - To be carefree and contented.
Loaded - Drunk or wealthy. 'I got loaded on Saturday night.' or 'She is really loaded, married into money'.
Lob in / lob up - Turn up unexpectedly.
Local bike - Promiscuous woman.
Local yokel - A well known local person. May also be used in a negative way to describe someone from a small country town. (Meaning they are a bit dumb.)
Lofty - Tall person.
Lolly - A sweet confection, candy. Also sometimes used to mean money.
Lolly (do your) - Lose your temper. 'One more word and I'll do my lolly.'
Lolly water - Any drink not containing alcohol.
Long distance call on the big white telephone - Vomiting into a toilet.
Long drink of water - Tall person.
Long neck - 750ml beer bottle. Also brown bomber.
Long paddock - Grassy land beside the road used by drovers when times are tough.
Loo - Toilet. Also bog, dunny, kybo, lav and many more.
Look like death warmed up - Very ill looking.
Looker - Attractive female.
Looney bin - Mental institution. Also nut house.
Lord or Lady Muck - Snobbish person.
Lounge lizard - Lazy person.
Lousy - Can mean ill or not good. "I got the flu and I felf lousy."
Lousy bastard - A miser.
Lower than a snake's belly - The worst kind of person. "Politicians are all lower than a snake's belly."
Lubra - (Aboriginal) Young woman.
Lucked out - Bad luck. 'I really lucked out at the races on the weekend.'
Lucky as a bastard on Father's Day - Unlucky.
Lucky Country - Australia - Well it was until the politicians buggered it up.
Lumbered - To be stuck with an unwanted responsibility. "I got lumbered looking after the kids on grand final day."
Lurgy - A cold or the flu. Brenda caught the dreaded lurgy and was off work for a week.
Lurk - A good deal, easy money. 'Politicians are all on a good lurk.'
Mad as a cut snake - Angry and dangerous.
Mad as a meat axe - Crazy.
Maggoty - Angry.
Magpie - Someone who hoards things.
Make a galah of yourself - Behave like a fool.
Make a quid - Earn a living. "G'day mate, how do you make a quid?"
Make tracks - Time to leave. I'd better make tracks.
Man trap - Seductive woman.
Map of Tassie - Woman's pubic hair.
Marbles, losing your - Getting crazy. Donald seems to have lost all his marbles.
March hare, mad as a - Going crazy.
Mate - Friend.
Mate's rates - Special price charged to friends.
Mateship - Friends helping each other.
Matilda - Swag. A swag is a bed roll.
Meat axe, mad as a - Going crazy.
Mediterranean back - Fake back pain. Originates from the idea that people from that region falsify injuries to get compensation.
Merchant (panic) - Someone who is excessively worried about small things.
Merchant (standover) - A bully.
Mexican - Someone from Victoria (term used by Queenslanders and New South Welshmen.
Mick - Irishman. "Paddy is a Mick."
Mickey (taking the) - Teasing someone.
Middy - 285 ml glass of beer.
Miffed - Mildly annoyed.
Min min lights - Mysterious lights seen in the outback.
Mingy - Miserly.
Missus - Wife.
Mob - Large number of kangaroos or a group of people, cattle etc..
Mockers - Jinx someone. "Shuuddup Bruce or you'll put the mockers on me."
Moggy - Domestic cat.
Molly dooker - Left handed person.
Monday-itis - The thing everyone who works for a living feels on a Monday morning.
Money, on the - Correct. Bill said she would slap his face and he was on the money.
Mongrel - Bad person or mixed breed dog.
Monkey suit - Suit.
Month of Sundays - A very long time.
Moon, over the - Very happy. She got a pay raise and was over the moon.
Moosh - Mouth.
More arse than class - More luck than style.
More front than Myers (or David Jones) - Bold and cheeky.
More movements than a Swiss watch - Untrustworthy person.
More than you can poke a stick at - Anything that is too much of something.
Morning glory - Morning male erection.
Mousetraps in his pockets - Miser.
Mouthful of marbles - Snobbish way of speaking. Also 'Speaks with a plum in the mouth.'
Mozzie - Mosquito.
Muck about - Wasting time and fooling around.
Mug - Foolish person.
Mug's game - Anything you might do that brings no reward for effort.
Mug lair - Young person who dresses flash but has poor taste and vulgar habits.
Mulga madness - Going crazy after spending too long in the bush.
Mullet - A hair style favoured by bogans.
Mullet (stunned) - Shocked, state of disbelief. 'Mick was like a stunned mullet when his missus walked out.'
Muso - Musician.
Mutt - Dog of mixed parentage.
Mutton head - Stupid.
My stomach thinks my throat's cut - Very hungry. Also 'Belly button is stuck to my backbone.'
Myxo / Myxie - Myxomatosis. A disease created to try and eradicate rabbits.
Nag - Horse.
Nark - A police officer working for the vice squad.
Narky - Bad tempered or irritable. 'Don't get narky with me.'
Nasho - National serviceman. (National service is no longer in place today.)
Neddie - Horse.
Never-never - The outback.
New chum - New arrival or someone who is inexperienced at something.
Nick (in the) - Naked, without clothes. 'Bruse was in the nick when Cheryl walked in.' Can also refer to prison.
Nick off - To take time away from an appointed task without permission or said when you want someone to get out of your sight.
Nicked - Arrested by the police.
Ning-nong / nong - Slow witted or stupid person.
Ninny - Silly person.
Nipper - Young person.
Nippy - Cold.
Nitwit - Silly person.
No dice - No
No drama - Not a problem. "Yeah I can do it, no drama mate."
No hoper - A time waster. "Bruce is a real no-hoper."
No show - Didn't arrive. 'Bruce was a no show at the party.'
No worries - Not a problem.
No wukkin' furries - Spoonerism for 'no Fucking worries.'
Noah's ark - Rhyming slang for shark.
Noggin - Head.
Nong - Silly person.
Nookie (Nooky) - Sex. All he wanted was a bit of nookie.
Norks - Woman's breasts. "She had a lovely set of norks."
Nose down, bum up - Hard at work.
Nose-bleed seats - Cheap seats at a venue that are so far back and so high up that you get a nose bleed sitting there.
Nose, on the - A bad smell or something dodgy.
Nosh up - A meal.
Not a patch on - Not as good as. "Bruce's car isn't a patch on mine."
Not an earthly - No chance at all.
Not backward in coming forward - Someone who is not afraid to ask for what they want.
Not much chop - Not very good. "The new Nissan isn't much chop."
Not on - Not allowed. 'It's just not on sport.'
Not the full quid - Slow witted person.
Not the sharpest knife in the cutlery drawer - Slow witted person.
Not the sharpest tool in the shed - Slow witted person.
Not what it's cracked up to be - Something that is disappointing.
Nothing between the ears - Stupid person.
Nuddy (in the) - Naked.
Nudge - To try something. 'Come on mate, give it a nudge.'
Nuggety - Small and tough. "Bruce is a nuggety little bastard."
Nulla-nulla - Aboriginal wooden club.
Number ones - To urinate (used when talking to children mostly.)
Number twos - To deficate (used when talking to children mostly.).
Ocker - Australian equivalent of and American 'redneck'. Same as yobbo.
Odd bod - Someone who is a bit strange.
Off like a bride's nightie - Leave suddenly.
Off like a bucket of prawns in the hot sun - Something suspicious or bad.
Off the beaten track - Away from normal roads.
Off your face - Drunk.
Off your tucker - No appetite or sick.
Off-sider - Partner.
Okie-dokie - It's all good. Had a fight with the boss but it's all okie-dokie now.
Oil (the good) - Useful information. 'Daryl got the good oil on next weeks horse race.'
Oiled (well) - Drunk.
Old chook - Old woman.
Old fella - Penis or husband.
Off like a prawn in the sun - Leaving. Well tjhat's it, all finished. I'm off like a prawn in the sun.
On a good wicket - Doing well often with little effort.
On a sticky wicket - In trouble.
On the ball - Tuned in and ready for anything.
On the blink - Something about to break down or stop working.
On the make - Looking for sex.
On the nose - Bad smell.
On the outer - To be rejected by others.
On the turps - Drinking too much alcohol.
On the wagon - No drinking alcohol for a while.
On the wallaby - travelling through the country.
On the wrong track - On an incorrect train of thought.
On tick - To get something on credit.
On your Pat Malone - Rhyming slang for on your own.
On-ya! - Short for 'good onya'. A compliment meaning 'good on you.'
Once over (give it the) - Check something out.
One eyed trouser snake - Penis.
One-armed bandit - Poker machine.
Oo-roo! - Goodbye.
Op shop - Charity shop.
Open slather - No restraints.
Optic nerve - Perve. To have a look at something you shouldn't see.
Order of the boot - Fired from your job.
Organise a piss up in a brewery (couldn't) - Useless person.
Out of it - Drunk and insensible.
Out to pasture - To retire.
Outback - Remote areas.
Oz - Australia.
Pack (cack) your dacks - Terrified. Dacks are trousers.
Pale, beyond the - To overstep the mark. She helped herself to six pieces of cake, that's a bit beyond the pale.
Palooka - Clumsy or stupid..
Panic merchant - Someone who spreads panic.
Paralytic - So drunk you are unable to stand.
Park a tiger on the rug - Vomit.
Pash - Passionate kiss.
Pat Malone (on your) - On your own.
Pay back - Taking revenge.
Pay through the nose - To be overcharged.
Pearler - Something good. You little pearler!
Pearly whites - Teeth.
Penguin - A nun.
Percy - Penis. To point Percy at the porcelain is to urinate..
Perk - To get something for nothing.
Perve - To ogle at someone. Also short for pervert.
Pester - To bother someone.
Peters (thanks for the) - Refers to a beer with too much head (froth). Peters being a reference to Peter's Ice Cream.
Piccaninny Dawn - The time in the cool of the morning when it starts to get light but the sun has not yet risen.
Pick / pull the skin off a rice-pudding (couldn't) - A weak person.
Pie eyed - Drunk.
Piece of cake - Easy task.
Piece of piss - Easy task (as above).
Piffle - Rubbish, nonsense.
Pigs might fly - It will never happen.
Pig's arse or bum - What you are saying is incorrect.
Pike out - To give up easily.
Pinapple (get the rough end of a) - To get a bad deal.
Pinched - Arrested.
Pink, strike me - Astonishment. Strike me pink, Ralph won the lottery twice.
Pipped at the post - To narrowly lose.
Piss - Urine or alcohol.
Piss in someone's pocket - To brown nose, suck up or crawl.
Piss into the wind (don't) - Do something against the odds.
Piss on you if you were on fire (wouldn't) - A statement of contempt to someone you loathe. Also 'I wouldn't cross the road to piss on you if you were on fire.'
Piss pot - Heavy drinker.
Piss up - Party with lots of alcohol.
Pissed as a newt / parrot / fart - Drunk.
Pissed off - Very angry.
Pixies (off with the) - Day dreaming.
Plastered - Very drunk.
Plates of meat - Feet.
Play funny buggers - Attempt to lie or cheat someone.
Play possum - To pretend to do something.
Play the neddies - Gamble on horse races.
Plonk - Cheap wine.
Point Percy at the porcelain - To urinate in a toilet.
Point the bone at - To blame someone for something.
Poke in the eye with a sharp stick (better than) - Make the best of a situation.
Pokies - Poker machines, one arm bandits, slot machines.
Pollies - Politicians (The least trusted profession in Australia even lower than lawyers and used car salesmen.)
Pommie / Pom - an English person. Recent research claims this comes from pomegranate because the colour of the fruit was like the sunburned skin of newly arrives English people.
Ponce - Male acting in an effeminate manner or just being silly. 'Stop poncing about.'
Pong - Bad smell.
Poofter / poof - Homosexual male.
Pop - Father or old man.
POQ - Piss off quick. To go away in a hurry.
Posh - Snobby.
Possie - Seating place or specified place to do something. (Also pozzie)'Hey Bruce save me a possie at the jetty when you go fishing'.
Possum (play) - To pretend to be in a different situation or to hide. 'Cheryl was pissed off so Bruce was playing possum.'
Postie - Postman.
Pot calling the kettle black - Saying something bad about someone else that also applies to you.
Potty - Going a bit crazy. Donald is getting more and more potty by the day.
Poxy - Poor quality, bad.
Prang - Minor car accident.
Prawn (raw) - Foolish or deceptive person. 'Don't play the raw prawn with me son.'
Preggers - Pregnant.
Pressies - Presents.
Pro - Prostitute.
Pud - Penis. 'Don't stand there pulling your pud, get on with your work.'
Puffed - Out of breath.
Puke - Vomit.
Pull a swifty - To deceive someone.
Pull someone's leg - Play a joke on someone.
Pull the other one - Statement of disbelief.
Pull up a pew - Sit down.
Pull up your socks - Improve yourself.
Pull your head in mate - Mind your own business.
Pull your pud - Masturbate.
Purler - Good, great.
Purple patch - A run of good luck.
Push shit uphill with a sharp stick - To attempt a hopeless task.
Push-bike - Bbicycle.
Put a cork / sock in it! - Shut up now!
Put the bite on - Ask for a loan of money.
Put the boot in - To attack someone when they are down.
Put the mockers on - Jinx someone.
Put upon - To be used. The boss wanted me to work overtime for no pay. Geez I was put upon.
Put up job - A deceptive way of doing something.
Put up your dooks! - Fight me. Defend yourself.
Qantas - Queensland and Northern Territory Air Service. Australian Airline.
Quack - A doctor.
Quick snort - A quick drink of alcohol.
Quid - Originally one pound sterling, now one dollar.
Quid (not the full) - Retarded.
R.S. - See Rat Shit
Rabbit killer - A chop across the back of the neck with the side of a hand.
Rabbit on - To talk endlessly about nothing.
Racing off - Adultery.
Rack off - Get away from me now!
Rafferty's rules - No holds barred, no rules.
Rag (on the) - A woman having her monthly period.
Rage - Wild party.
Raincoat (mouse's) - Condom.
Raining cats and dogs - Rain storm.
Randy as mallee bull - Very sexually aroused.
Rank - Something that stinks or is corrupt.
Rapt - Very pleased.
Rare as rocking horse shit (or chicken's teeth) - Very rare indeed.
Rat shit - Very bad.
Rats, couldn't give a - I don't care. The boss told me off but I couldn't give a rats!
Ratbag - Someone who is a bit of a scoundrel but is generally likeable.
Rats of the air - Pigeons.
Rattle your dags! - Hurry up.
Ratty - Unhappy.
Raw prawn - As in 'Don't come the raw prawn with me!' Don't be a smart arse.
Razoo (doesn't have a brass) - Broke, destitute..
Reckon - Estimate or guess.
Red ned - Cheap red wine.
Reffo - Refugee.
Reg Grundies - Underpants. Rhyming slang 'undies'.
Rego - Car registration.
Rellies - Relatives.
Richard Cranium - Short form of Richard is Dick and cranium means head, put the two together and you get 'Dick head'.
Ridgie-didge - Authentic. It is possible that the original term was used during the 1st World War when the Australian troops were told to stand Ridgid & Dignified when in the trenches. (Thanks to Peter for this bit of information.)
Ring-in - A substitute.
Ringer - Top shearer in the shearing shed.
Rep (to let) - Either to fart loudly or swear loudly..
Rip off - Cheated.
Ripe (smells) - Bad smell.
Ripper - Very good.
Ripsnorter - Very good.
Road train - Long haul truck with two or more trailers.
Roam around like a lost sheep - Wander aimlessly.
Roaring trade (doing a) - Doing well in business.
Robber's dog (off like a) - To leave quickly.
Rock up - To arrive somewhere.
Rollie - Hand-rolled cigarette.
Roo bar - A metal frame on the front of a vehicle to protect it when colliding with kangeroos.
Root - Sexual intercourse.
Rooted - Very tired.
Rooted (get) - Bugger off!
Ropable - Exceedingly angry.
Rort - A con.
Rotgut - Cheap wine that tastes awful.
Rough as guts - Very low person or thing.
Rough end of the pineapple / stick - To be on the wrong end of something.
Rough nut - A hillbilly.
Rouseabout - Someone who does odd jobs.
Rubbity dub - Rhyming slang for pub.
Rug rats - Children.
Rug up - Dress in warm clothes.
Run about like chook with its head cut off - Run around without purpose.
Run around in the shower to get wet (to) - A very thin person.
Run like stink - To run away.
Run of outs - A losing streak.
Run-in with someone - Disagreement.
Rush your fences - Acting without much thought.
Rustbucket - An old worn out car.
Sack, hit the - Go to bed. I'm tired, time to hit the sack.
Sacked - Employment terminated.
Same diff - The same thing.
Same here! - Agreement.
Sandgroper - West Australian.
Sandshoes - Sneakers.
Sandwich short of a picnic - Dim witted.
Sanga / sanger - Sandwich.
Sausage short of a barbecue - Dim witted.
Schooner - A certain size of beer glass.
Scorcher - Very hot day.
Scratchy - Instant lottery ticket.
Scrub - Low bushy outback.
Scrub-up well - To look good after cleaning yourself up.
Scrubbers - Promiscuous woman.
Scumbag - A bad person.
Scunge - Someone who is 'on the make' and looking for something for nothing.
Scungy - A dirty person of a small portion.
See ya later - Farewell.
Seedy -Lousy, poor, below standard.
Seen his / her last gum tree - About to die or dead.
Selling tickets on himself / herself - Conceited.
Semi - Semi trailer - a large truck with a prime mover.
Septic tank - Rhyming slang for Yank, Ie. American.
Servo - Service station, fuel station, petrol station.
Shack - Poorly built house.
Shacked up - Un-married and living together in a sexual relationship. Bert shacked up with his girl friend last week.
Shag - Sexual intercourse.
Shaggin' wagon - Panel van.
Shake the snake - Urinate.
Shank's pony - Walking.
Shark biscuit - Person on a surf board.
Sharkbait - People who swim on their own.
She'll be right, mate - The Aussie attitude to hardship.
Sheila - Female.
Shilly shally - Take too long. Hey mate, don't shilly shally, we need to get there today!
Shindig - Party.
Shine, take a - To become attracted. I really took a shine to that red sports car.
Shiny arse - Public servant.
Shirty - Bad tempered.
Shit a brick - The end result of constipation.
Shit hot - Very good.
Shit house - Very bad also toilet.
Shit shoveler - Someone doing a badly paid unpleasant job.
Shonky - Poor quality.
Shoot through - To leave suddenly.
Short and curlies - Pubic hair.
Short arms and deep pockets - Miser.
Short arse - Short person.
Short shrift - Cut short, no time for. She was talking nonsense so I gave her short shrift.
Shot through like a Bondi tram - Depart hastily.
Shouse - Shit house Ie. toilet.
Shout - To treat someone by paying for something.
Show off - Someone who likes to flaunt their good fortune or cleverness.
Sick as a dog - Very sick.
Sickie - Sick leave from work. Many people who take 'sickies' can be found watching the cricket.
Silly sausage - Silly person.
Silvertail - Someone who has a lot of money.
Sin bin - Panel van.
Since Cocky was an egg - A long time ago.
Singlet - Under shirt without sleeves.
Sing out - Let me know. Just sing out if you need anything.
Sink a few - Drink alcohol, usually beer.
Sink the boot in - To attack someone unfairly.
Sink the sav / sink the sausage / hide the sausage - Sexual intercourse.
Sink the slipper - To kick when fighting.
Siphon the python - Urinate.
Sissy - An effeminate or girlish male.
Sit Cocky - To 'Sit cocky' is to keep a watch or lookout especially when related to less than legal activities. The saying comes from the way cockatoos
sit up on trees and squawk in alarm if they see a danger approaching. (Thanks to Richard for this one).
Skee-daddle - Run away.
Skerrick - A very small amount.
Skew-whiff - Gone wrong or out of place.
Skin full - Too much alcohol. 'Bruce had a real skin full at the pub.'
Skint - Broke, bankrupt.
Skirt - Woman. He's after a bit of skirt.
Skite - To show off.
Skittle - Knock something over. The car came round the corner and poor old Bruce got skittled.'
Skull - Drink an alcoholic drink without pausing for breath.
Sky juice - Water originating from rain.
Sky pilot - Priest.
Slab - 24 cans/stubbies of beer in a package.
Slacker - Lazy person.
Slag - A woman with no morals. 'Judy is such a slag!'
Slag off at - To speak contemptuously of someone or something.
Sleepout - An area of the house that was once open but has now been enclosed to form a new room.
Slow as a wet week in a caravan - Very slow.
Sly grog - Illegal or bootleg alcohol.
Smackers / smackeroos - Money.
Smartie - A smart arse. Someone trying to be too clever. "You are a real smartie aren't you>"
Smashed - Drunk. "Don't get smashed or the boys in blue will pick you up."
Smoko - A short break from work. 'Time for smoko.'
Snag - Sausage. 'Throw another snag on the barbie.'
Snag short of a barbie - Dim witted.
Snake juice - Strong alcohol.
Snake's hiss - Rhyming slang for piss.
Snaky - Bad tempered. 'Greg is a snaky bastard!'
Snog - Passionate kiss. 'Come Sheila, give us a snog.'
Snow / snowy - Nickname for a white haired person.
Snowdropper - Someone who steals women's underclothes from a washing line.
Snuffed it - To die. Tessa caught Covid 19 and nearly snuffed it.
So low he could parachute out of the belly of a snake - Someone with no morals.
Socks, rot your - Having some bad luck. The wheel fell of the car last week, wouldn't that rot your socks!
Sook / sooky bub - A weak person who cries easily.
Soup strainer - Moustache.
Soused - Drunk.
Southerly Buster - Strong southerly winds.
Spag bog - Spaghetti Bolognese.
Sparkie - Electrician.
Sparrow's fart - Daybreak. 'Bruce was so keen he was up at sparrows fart.'
Speak into the big white telephone - Vomit into the toilet also 'Long distance call on the big white telephone.'
Speed merchant - No, not a drung dealer but someone who drives too fast.
Speedos - Men's bathing shorts.
Spew - Vomit.
Spewin' - Angry. 'Bruce got a speeding ticket and he was spewin.'
Spit chips - Angry outburst. 'If I don't get that promotion I will be spitting chips.'
Spit the dummy - Lose your temper.
Splash the boots - Urinate.
Sponger - Someone who lives off the efforts of others without justification. Also bludger.
Spot Ya - To lend someone money. 'Ok, I'll spot ya $20.'
Spruiker - A tout.
Sprung - Caught in the act.
Spud - Potato.
Spunk - A sexy person. 'Shelia is a real spunk.' Also semen.
Square up - Set things right. "Here's $20, now that should square us up."
Squatter - Someone living on private property without permission.
Squiz - To take a look.
Stack - Accident involving any kind of vehicle. 'Bruce stacked his bike the other day.'
Stands out like a dunny in the desert - Very obvious.
Starkers - Naked.
Station - Ranch.
Stick your bib in - Express an opinion that is not asked for. 'If you stick your bib in again I will give you a bunch of fives.'
Stick to your ribs - Food that is filling. Ah dumpligs for dinner, that will stick to your ribs.
Sticks / stands out like a dog's balls - Very obvious.
Sticky beak - Nosey person.
Sticky tape - Adhesive tape.
Stiff bickies - Tough luck.
Stiff cheddar - Tough luck.
Stiff titties - Tough luck.
Still kicking - Alive.
Stingy - Miser.
Stinker - Very hot day.
Stirrer - Someone who has fun causing trouble in a playful way.
Stockman - Cowboy.
Stoked - Very pleased. 'Bruce was stoked to get the promotion.'
Stone the crows! - Expression of disgust or surprise.
Stonkered - Exhausted or drunk.
Stony / stony broke - Has no money.
Stoush - Fight.
Strapped for cash - Short of money.
Stretch - Nickname for a tall person.
Strewth! - Expression of surprise. Strewth mate, that is a bloody big cat!
Strike a light - Expression of surprise.
Strine - Aussie English.
Stubbies / Stubby - Short pants for men or small 375ml bottles of beer.
Stubby holder - Insulated holder for a stubby or can of beer.
Stuck-up - Conceited. "Judy is so stuck up, she thinks her shit don't stink!"
Stuffed - Exhausted or beyond repair.
Stunned - Amazed.
Suck Up - To try and ingratiate yourself with someone for personal gain. See also 'Brown nose'.
Sundowner - Drinks after work.
Sunnies - Sunglasses.
Suss (a bit) - Dodgy. 'Everything politicians say is a bit suss.'
Suss out - Examine something. 'I will go and suss out the new fishing spot tomorrow.'
Swag - Rolled up bedding.
Swaggie / Swagman - Someone who travels the country usually on foot looking for work.
Sweet, she's - Yes I agree or it's ok.
Sweet Fanny Adams - Nothing. This is a more polite term for the alternative slang 'Sweet F.A.' FA standing for f**k all.
Ta - Thank you.
Take a punt - Take a chance.
Take a shine to - To begin to like something or someone.
Take the mickey out of - To make fun of.
Take the piss out of - To make fun of.
Talk under wet cement (can) - Someone who never stops talking.
Tall poppies - Very successful people.
Tall poppy syndrome - To criticise tall poppies.
Tally - Keep score.
Tanked - Drunk.
Tart up - A superficial makeover.
Taswegian - Someone from Tasmania.
Tatty - In poor condition.
Technicolour yawn - Vomit.
Tee up - Arrange something. 'Let's tee up a meeting for next week.'
Telly - Television.
That's the way the Violet crumbles / cookie crumbles - That's the way life is.
Thick as a brick - Dim witted person. 'Judy is as thick as a brick!'
Thick as two short planks - Dim witted person.
Thing-a-ma-jig - Anything you can't remember the name of.
Things are crook in Tallarook - Said when things are going wrong.
Thinks the sun shines out of his / her arse - Someone who loves themselves.
Three parts gone - Almost drunk.
Thunder box - Toilet.
Tick - A short period of time.
Ticker - Heart.
Ticket, that's the - Doing something correctly. Yes, use the hammer on it, that's the ticket.
Tickle the till - Employee who steals from the cash register.
Tickled pink - Pleased with something. Bob won $50 and was tickled pink.
Tide's gone out (the) - Empty glass that needs a refill.
Tighter than a fish's arse hole - Miser.
Tin lid - Rhyming slang for kid - child.
Tinny (tinnie)- A can of beer or an aluminium dinghy. So it is possible to crack a tinny in a tinny'.
To go to town - To attack someone verbally. 'Then she went to town on me.'
To have the trots - Diarrhoea.
Toey - Bad tempered. 'Cheryl was a bit toey today.'
Togs - Swimming costume.
Toodle-loo - Bye bye
Toodle-pip - Bye bye
Too right! - Very definitely.
Top End - Northern Territory.
Top Ender - Someone from the Northern Territory.
Tough as fencing wire - Very tough.
Trackie daks / trackies - Tracksuit pants.
Tradie - A tradesman, usually driving a ute (badly).
Trap for young players - A trap for the unwary.
Tri-fecta - Something that happens three times in a row.
Troppo - Madness brought about by excessive heat. 'Going troppo in the top end.'
Trouble and strife - Rhyming slang for wife.
Truckie - Truck (lorry) driver.
True blue - Genuine Australian.
Trunks - Swimming costume - male.
Tucker - Food.
Tuckshop - Shop that sells mostly to school kids.
Tumble to - Become aware. 'Finally she tumbled to me and then I was in strife!'
Truf - To throw away. 'The radio was broken so Bruce turfed it.'
Turn it up! - Expresses disbelief.
Turn-up for the books (a) - A surprise ending. 'Well that was a turn up for the books.'
Turps - Spirit alcohol but also alcohol in general. 'Bruce has been on the turps again.'
Twig - Become aware. 'So he finally twigged.'
Twit - A fool.
Two men and a dog - Poor attendance. 'Know how many turned up to the LNP rally? Two men and a dog!'
Two pot screamer - Someone who gets drunk on just two drinks.
Umpteen - More than a few.
Under the affluence of incahol - Drunk.
Under the weather - Not feeling well.
Under your skin - To annoy someone. I don't know waht it is but she really gets under my skin.
Underdaks - Underpants.
Underground mutton - Rabbit.
Undies - Underwear.
Unit - Small apartment.
Up shit creek - In trouble. 'Up shit creek in a barbed wire canoe with a tennis racket for a paddle.' (longer version.)
Up the duff - Pregnant.
Up the gumtree - In trouble.
Up the spout - No good or pregnant.
Up to the apricots - Male having sexual intercourse.
Up yours! - Shove it up your backside!
Up yourself - Conceited. 'Malcolm is real up-himself.'
Useful as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest - Useless.
Useless as tits on a bull - Useless with an example.
Ute - Pick-up truck.
Uwie (uee, uie) - Performing a U turn in a vehicle or an about face in any other circumstance. "Bruce chucked a uwie at the lights.' or 'The government did a uwie on their tax policy.'
Vee dub - Volkswagen car.
Veg out - To relax and do nothing.
Veggies - Vegetables. (Or vegetarians). Also used unkindly to describe anyone mentally incapacitated.
Verbal diarrhoea - Someone who can't stop talking.
Village bike - Promiscuous woman (the village bike gets ridden by everyone).
Vino - Wine.
Wacker - Crazy person.
Waffle - Talking endlessly about nothing.
Wag or wagging - To be absent from school without permission.
Wake up Australia! - Said to someone who is not paying attention.
Walkabout - Used to be the Aboriginal way of living staying on the move following the food and game but today it refers to anyone going off somewhere unexpectedly.
Walkover - A task easily performed.
Wallaby track - Wandering the outback in search of work.
Walloper - Policeman.
Wally - A dim witted person.
Waltzing Matilda - Carry a swag.
Wank - Masturbate.
Wanker - Thoughtless selfish ignorant person. 'Greg is the biggest wanker I ever met!'
Water the horse - Urinate.
Waterhole - Local pub / hotel.
Weak as a water - Very weak.
Weak as piss - Very weak.
Weather board - wooden house.
Wedding tackle - Penis.
Wee wee - Urinate.
Weed - Marijuana.
Wellies - Wellington boots.
Welsh on - To cheat someone or go back on your word.
Went through like a dose of salts - Leave quickly.
Were you born in a barn? - Said when someone does not close the door.
Wet (the) - Monsoon season in north.
Wet as water - Ineffective.
Whacko! - Great!
Wharfie - Port worker.
What do you do for a crust? - How do you make a living?
What's the damage - What is the cost?
What's your beef? - Why are you upset?
Wheelie - Deliberately spinning the wheels of a car to produce noise and smoke.
When the shit hits the fan - When something bad happens.
Wife beater - A blue singlet. (Possibly says something about the wearer of the singlet.
Whinger - A complainer.
Whinging pom - Complaining English immigrant.
Whipper-snapper - Young person.
Whirl (give it a) - Have a go at something.
White pointers - Topless female sunbathers.
White-ant - To undermine someone.
Whiz (to take a) - Urinate.
Whizzer - Penis.
Whoopy-doo / Whoop-tee-doo - Sarcastic exclamation of delight.
Whopper - Very large.
Why keep a dog and bark yourself? - Why do something when you can get someone else to do it for you.
Willies - Unpleasant feelings. 'He gives me the willies.'
Willy - Penis.
Willy-willy - Small whirlwind.
Windy enough to blow a blue dog off its chain - Very windy.
Wing-nut - Person whose ears stick out more than usual. Generally meant to imply they are a foolish person.
Wobbly (to chuck a) - Lose your temper.
Wog - Cold or flu. Also someone who comes from southern Europe.
Wombat - Insensitive male. A wombat is a native Australian animal that 'eats' 'roots' and 'leaves' - think about it!
Won't have a bar of - Have nothing to do with.
Wonky - Poorly made.
Wooden spoon - Award for coming last.
Woop-woop - A remote location.
Would bet on two flies crawling up a wall - Compulsive gambler.
Would knock your socks off - Something surprising.
Wouldn't give you the time of day - Arrogant person.
Wouldn't it rot your socks off! - Said of anything unpleasant.
Wouldn't know his arse from his elbow - Dim witted person.
Wouldn't know if he was Arthur or Martha - Dim witted person.
Wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole - Have nothing to do with.
Wouldn't work in an iron lung - Very lazy person.
Wowser - Spoil sport who doesn't want others to have fun.
Write-off - Beyond repair.
XXXX - (Four X) Brand of Queensland beer. Often said to be called XXXX because Queenslanders can't spell BEER.
Yabber - Talk too much.
Yabbie - Fresh water crayfish.
Yacking - Talk too much.
Yahoo - Larrikin.
Yakka - Hard work. Usually hard yakka.
Yank - An American. Also to pull something as in: 'He yanked the shovel out of the ground.'
Yank tank - Large American car.
Yanking my chain - To deliberately antagonise someone but usually in fun.
Yarn - Story.
Yobbo - Larrikin with anti-social tendencies.
Yodel - Vomit.
Yonks - A long period of time.
You beaut! / You little beauty! - Exclamation of delight.
Youse - Grammatically incorrect plural for 'you'.
Yowie - Mythical creature said to be like a yeti.
Zilch - Nothing.
Zonked out - Exhausted.
Zs (catch some) - To sleep.
It is a sad fact that Aussie slang is gradually being blotted out by American-isms. We now have chicks instead of sheilas, guys instead of blokes and a new swathe of extremely
vulgar black American slang is replacing the good old Aussie-isms.
You are more likely to hear good old Aussie sayings out in bush towns than you are in the major cities.