Getting Around Western Australia
Western Australia offers great opportunities to get out and explore on your own if you have a caravan, campervan or want to stay in motels and hotels if you only have a normal car.
The southern portion of the state is dotted with towns and although distances are longer when you go north, if you take your time and split up the journey, you can travel to many
areas quite easily.
Below are some suggestions for self-drive tours around W.A. Click the links to various towns along each route so you can find out more about accommodation and local attractions.
Bear in mind that the times given are for driving and fuel stops only. You will need to add extra time for any exploring you want to do.
Some of these routes are in remote areas and some require 4x4 vehicles. When in remote areas always make sure you have a reliable vehicle, plenty of food and water and a way to
contact help if you break down.
Route 0 - Bunbury to the Ferguson Valley and return.
1 day trip return from Bunbury
Day 1 - Bunbury - Dardanup - Ferguson Valley - Gnomesville - King Jarrah Tree - Wellington Forest and Dam -
Potter's Gorge - Collie River Road - Pile Road - Henty Road - Return to Bunbury.
If you don't want to do this as a self-drive trip, SWTS specialises in tours of this area.
Route 1 - Pioneer Pathway
3 day trip return to Perth
Day 1 - Perth - Toodyay - Goomalling - Dowerin. 2 hour drive 160 km
Day 2 - Dowerin - Wyalkatchem - Trayning - Kununoppin - Nungarin -
Merredin. 2 hour drive 155 km.
Day 3 - Return to Perth via Great Eastern Highway. 3 hour drive 260 km.
Route 2 - Esperance
2 day trip one way but allow more time to explore
Day 1 - Perth - Williams - Arthur River - Wagin - Dumbleyung -
Lake Grace. 4 hour drive 350 km
Day 2 - Lake Grace - Newdegate - Lake King - Ravensthorpe -
Hopetoun - Munglinup - Esperance. 4 hour drive 370 km
Some unsealed roads between Hopetoun and Munglinup but ok for 2wd vehicles.
Route 3 - Goldfields Pipeline
2 day trip 1 way
Day 1 - Perth - Northam - Cunderdin - Kellerberrin -
Merredin. 3 hour drive 260 km
Day 2 - Merredin - Southern Cross - Coolgardie - Kalgoorlie. 3.5 hour drive 340 km
Route 4 - Monsignor John Hawes Trail
3 day trip 1 way.
Day 1 - Perth - Bullsbrook - Bindoon - New Norcia. 2 hour drive 130 km
Day 2 - New Norcia - Moora - Watheroo - Coorow - Caranamah -
Perenjori - Morawa. 4 hour drive 370 km
Day 3 - Morawa - Yalgoo - Mullewa - Geraldton.
Route 5 - Northern Wheat belt
3 day trip return to Perth
Day 1 - Perth - Bullsbrook - Bindoon - Calingiri - Wongan Hills.
2.5 hour drive 180 km
Day 2 - Wongan Hills - Ballidu - Dalwallinu - Miling - Moora.
2 hour drive 165 km
Day 3 - Moora - New Norcia - Bindoon - Bullsbrook - Perth.
2.5 hour driver 170 km
Route 6 - Wave Rock
3 day trip return to Perth
Day 1 - Perth - Brookton - Corrigin - Kondinin - Hyden.
4 hour drive 340 km.
Day 2 - Hyden - Lake King - Newdegate - Lake Grace - Kulin -
Kondinin - Narembeen - Bruce Rock.
3.5 hour drive 305 km
Day 3 - Bruce Rock - Quairading - York - Perth.
2.5 hour drive 250 km
Route 7 - Southern Wheat Belt
3 day trip return to Perth
Day 1 - Perth - Wandering - Pingelly - Wickepin - Narrogin.
3 hour drive 265 km
Day 2 - Narrogin - Wagin.
30 minute drive 50 km
Day 3 - Wagin - Arthur River - Williams - Perth.
2.5 hour drive 235 km
Route 8 - Wildflower Way
3 day trip 1 way
Day 1 - Perth - Bullsbrook - Bindoon - New Norcia - Miling -
Dalwallinu. 3 hour drive 250 km
Day 2 - Dalwallinu - Wubin - Perenjori - Morawa.
2 hour drive 150 km
Day 3 - Morawa - Mullewa - Geraldton.
2.5 hour drive 200 km
Route 9 - Central Wheat Belt
4 day trip return to Perth
Day 1 - Perth - Toodyay - Goomalling - Dowerin - Wyalkatchem.
3 hour drive 215 km
Day 2 - Wyalkatchem - Koorda - Bencubbin - Beacon.
3 hour drive 200 km
Day 3 - Beacon - Mukinbudin - Westonia.
4 hour drive 260 km
Day 4 - Westonia - Burracoppin - Merredin - Nungarin - Trayning -
Wyalkatchem - Dowerin - Goomalling - Toodyay - Perth.
4 hour drive 325 km
Route 10 - Albany to Esperance
2 day trip 1 way
Day 1 - Albany - Wellstead - Ravensthorpe - Hopetoun.
2.5 hour drive 205 km
Day 2 - Hopetoun - Munglinup - Esperance.
4 hour drive 340 km
Some unsealed roads between Hopetoun and Munglinup but ok for 2wd vehicles.
Route 11 - Nullarbor W.A side to Kalgoorlie
2 day trip 1 way
Day 1 - Eucla - Mundrabilla - Madura - Cocklebiddy -
Caiguna - Balladonia. 5 hour drive 550 km
Day 2 - Balladonia - Norseman - Widgiemooltha - Kambalda -
Kalgoorlie. 4 hour drive 480 km
Route 12 - Norseman to Hyden
2 day trip 1 way
Day 1 - Norseman - Breakaways Campsite 3 hour drive 135 km
Breakaways Campsite - Hyden. 3 hour drive 165 km
This is an unsealed road so care must be taken when picking the time of year to attempt it.
Route 13 - Holland Track
3 day trip 1 way
Day 1 - Broomehill - Katanning - Nyabing - Pingrup -
Lake Grace - Newdegate. 2.5 hour drive 250 km.
Day 2 - Newdegate - Hyden (via Holland Track)
From Hyden there are 2 options:
1 - 2wd vehicles - Take the Hyden to Norseman road and stop at the Breakaways Campsite overnight. 3 hour drive 135 km
2. 4wd vehicles. Follow the Holland Track to Sandalwood Campsite. 4 hour drive 220 km
Day 3 - 2wd vehicles - Breakaways Campsite - Norseman - Widgiemooltha - Coolgardie
5 hour drive 250 km
4wd vehicles - Sandalwood Campsite - Coolgardie via Victoria Rock Road 6 hour drive 220 km
Route 14 - Miner's Pathway
4 day trip 1 way
Day 1 - Paynes Find - Mount Magnet - Cue - Meekatharra.
4 hour drive 340 km
Day 2 - Meekatharra - Sandstone.
3 hours 195 km (unsealed road)
Day 3 - Sandstone - Mount Magnet - Yalgoo.
3 hour drive 280 km
Day 4 - Yalgoo - Paynes Find.
2 hour drive 155 km
Route 15 - Kingsford Smith mail run
3 day trip 1 way
Day 1 - Carnarvon - Gascoyne Junction - Mount Augustus.
5 hour drive 450 km (part unsealed road)
Day 2 - Mount Augustus - Mount Gould.
2 hour drive 100 km (unsealed road)
Day 3 - Mount Gould - Meekatharra. 3 hour drive 160 km
Route 16 - Wool Wagon Pathway
3 day trip 1 way
Day 1 - Geraldton - Murchison Settlement. 5 hour drive 400 km (part unsealed road)
Day 2 - Murchison Settlement - Gascoyne Junction. 4 hour drive 300 km (unsealed road)
Day 3 - Gascoyne Junction - Carnarvon - Minilya - Exmouth.
8 hour drive 610 km (part unsealed road)
Other drives in Western Australia include:
Canning Stock Route
Gibb River Road
Also see the following:
Roads |
Road Rules |
Road safety |
Roadside Rest Areas |
Distances from Perth |
Camping in W.A.
and Fuel Watch Trip Planner