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Augusta and the full camper set up - Western Australia

We had the chance to head off for one last quick trip for 2018 and decided to try out the full camper trailer and boat setup at Augusta in the state's south west.

We had just over a week left before Christmas and there was no way we wanted to head south once the Christmas rush started so we managed to book in at a campsite we hadn't tried before. A little place just north of Augusta called Boogaloo. (See the end of this page for more details on the campsite.)


Packing the Prado
Packing the Prado


The weather forecast wasn't exactly inspiring with 34C and 38C as we packed up the camper and then storms at our intended destination the day we were due to arrive.

It was too late to change our minds so off we went just hoping that we would manage to get set up before the rain started.

As we passed through Bunbury it wasn't looking good. Increasing rain left us wondering just how much fun it would be trying the get the camper set up in the wet.

Thankfully when we arrived at Augusta the rain was having a bit of a rest and we ended up having the whole afternoon to get organised.


The full setup for the camper trailer
The full setup for the camper trailer


That changed during the night when the storm finally made its appearance but we were snug and warm inside, very grateful to have had enough time to sort everything out.

The next day was more of the same wet miserable weather. There wasn't any chance of getting the boat out so we went up to Margaret River and did a bit of shopping.

The rain turned into a full blown thunderstorm but the camper held up well so we spent the day relaxing and waiting to see how long the bad weather would last.

The next morning the rain just kept on coming but by mid-morning it started to ease a bit and we managed to get the boat ready and the trailer assembled.

The wind was howling up the inlet when we went down to Augusta to have a look at the conditions and we crossed our fingers, hoping that things would improve by the following day.

A bit of shopping in town and some sight seeing along the coast filled in the remainder of the day.


Flinders Bay
Flinders Bay - The old boat ramp now closed.


At least by the afternoon the clouds were breaking up and we could see some nice patches of blue starting to appear.

Finally, early the next day we got the boat into the water. We very quickly christened the little boat the 'bath tub' because it seems to be about the same size.

We had some fun sorting out where to put all the gear and manage to fit ourselves in too.

The Mangrove Jack folding boat trailer comfortably carried the small boat and can be extended to carry our bigger 11 foot dinghy. This has been the best folding boat trailer we have ever had. So easy to assemble and pack up and very light, so moving it around and putting it on the roof rack doesn't create havoc with my back.


The 'bath tub' on the back of the Prado
The 'bath tub' on the back of the Prado


It turned out that most of the fish in the Hardy Inlet were under sized King George whiting. We caught at least ten of those to every other species we landed.

The variety included the afore mentioned King George whiting, sand whiting, yellow fin whiting, flounder, juvenile Australian salmon and from previous experience we know that tailor and tarwine can also be caught further up the inlet.

Probably because we hadn't been fishing for so long, we rather over did things and stayed out for 7 hours. The number of fish (just 6) that we brought back really didn't look like much but we were out to have fun, rather than bring back a bucket load of fish.

Fishing was on the agenda for the next day as well but it soon became obvious that there wasn't really that much worth catching. Again we brought back just 6 fish but at least this time we had only been out for about 4 hours.

One thing we almost always do when we are in Augusta is to check out the great Lions op-shop on Hillview Road. They are open on Thursdays and Saturdays and anyone in town during one of those days is well advised to go in and have a good look around.

Hidden away in the industrial area off Hart Street, is Augusta Second-hand. That is also worth having a look at and they are open from 10am Monday to Saturday.

The rest of the day was spent doing some exploring and filming of different campsites. There are a number of good bush campsites located south of Denny Road. This road runs north of the Blackwood River and ends just north of Sue's Bridge.

We dropped in to Alexandra Bridge to quickly check the place out and see if there were any changes since our last visit. There weren't so we moved on.

It is rather a shame that in times of increasing demand for campsites, the number available at Alexandra Bridge have been reduced to just 21.


Alexandra Bridge Campsite
Alexandra Bridge Campsite


We didn't have time to check out all the sites along Denny Road but we went in to Deadman's Pool. These camps are just free bush sites with no facilities. They are all accessed by 4x4 only and depending on the time of year, access can be quite challenging.

There is a nice pool to swim in at the rather threateningly named, Deadman's Pool but the access to the river is very steep. Care must be taken when accessing the water or you may risk helping to affirm the name of the site.


Deadmans Pool
Deadman's Pool


We had lunch at Hutt Pool which is located on the Great North Road. Never has a road been so inappropriately named. North of the river it isn't too bad if you ignore the corrugations but on the southern side, all the way to Brockman Highway, it would be better named the Small North Goat Track.

Hutt Pool is a crossing point on the river for vehicles as long as the causeway isn't flooded.

It was once possible to camp there but sadly no longer.


Hutt Pool
Hutt Pool


The road south of the river was cut up a bit and was the only place where we actually had to switch from 2wd to 4wd.

The last full day of the trip was mostly a rest day with some light packing. We had a last look at Flinders Bay and spent part of the afternoon relaxing under the shady trees at Colour Patch.


Colour Patch
Colour Patch


It is ALWAYS hard to leave Augusta. It is almost the perfect holiday town and we never seem to manage to stay quite long enough.

The results of the trip as far as the camper is concerned were good. We carried all the gear we will be taking north to Shark Bay next year and everything went very smoothly.

The camp does take a full afternoon to get completely set up but now we know that, we will be better prepared for our arrival at Tamala Station.


Inside the annexe
Inside the annexe


As it turned out, the weather had one last parting shot at us the day we had to pack up and head home.

We got up extra early to ensure we were packed and ready to go before the sun warmed things up too much but the tent was soaked with dew. It wouldn't have been much worse if there had been a downpour of rain over night. As I touched the canvas roof, streams of water poured off the top and down the sides.

In the end it took three hours to pack up and when we arrived home it was to 38C temperatures again. I suppose I should be impressed with the symmetry of it all.

Boogaloo Campsite

Boogaloo is a privately run campsite just north of Augusta. There are 4 large glamping tents for those who want to come and experience sleeping under canvas but don't want to have to worry about dragging along all the camping gear and then setting up and packing up.


Glamping at Boogaloo
Glamping at Boogaloo


There are also 4 large sites suitable for caravans, motorhones and camper-trailers. These sites are un-powered and there are a couple of other smaller sites suitable for campervans.

The camp ground does not accommodate a large number of people so it maintains a nice laid back feel even when it is fully booked.


Boogaloo Campsite
Boogaloo Campsite


There is a really cute ablution block built in an old sea container and other facilities include a large covered BBQ and gas cooking ring for fry pans and saucepans. There is a sink for washing up and some tables and seats along with a hammock and a nice shaded are under a huge tree.

We really enjoyed the week we spent at Boogaloo and the price (for the area) was cheaper than average.


Boogaloo entrance
Boogaloo entrance


Updated December 2018

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Places to see on this trip:


Margaret River

Alexandra Bridge








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