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This page is intended to help you find images of various important people that are scattered through out this website but who have no individual biography page. All these people had something (however slight) to do with West Australia's history.

Click on any image to see an enlarged version. (The pictures here are in no particular order except that Governors and Premiers are listed first and people associated with various topics are grouped together.)


Governor Harry Barron

Governor Francis Burt

Governor Frederick Bedford

Governor Frederick Broome

Governor Richard Trowbridge

Governor William Campion

Governor Highie Edwards

Governor Charles Fitzgerald

Governor Charles Gairdner

Governor Arthur Kennedy

Acting Lt. Governor Irwin

Governor Michael Jeffrey

Governor Douglas Kendrew

Governor Wallace Kyle

Governor Arthur Lawley

Governor William MacArtney

Governor Ken Michael

Governor Francis Newdegate

Governor Harry Ord

Banjamin Pine

Governor William Robinson

Governor John Sanderson

Governor Stanley Reid

Governor Gerry Smith

Governor Gerald Strickland

Governor Hampton

Premier Hal Colebatch

Premier Brian Burke

Premier John Tonkin

Premier George Throssell

Premier John Wilcock

Premier Alan Carpenter

Premier Charles Court

Premier Richard Court

Premier Peter Dowding

Premier Frank Wilson

Premier David Brand

Premier Phillip Collier

Premier Geoff Gallop

Premier Albert Hawke

Premier Walter James

Premier Frank Wise

Premier Henry Lefroy

Premier George Leake

Premier Carmen Lawrence

Premier Duncan McLarty

Premier and Governor James Mitchell

Premier Newton Moore

Premier Alfred Morgans

Premier Ray O Connor

Premier John Scadden

Premier Cornthwaite Rason

Henry Whittall Venn. Courtesy N.L.A.

Malcolm Fraser

Harry Morant

Tommy Dower

Tommy Pierre - Aboriginal explorer


D. Carnegie

Maitland Brown

Captain William Bligh

Lt. Preston

George Bass


Ludwig Leichhardt

Tommy Talbot

George Fletcher Moore

Governor (NSW) Ralph Darling

Tom Price

Dr. Laver witha group of Aborigines

Edward Fox Angelo

Alexander Campbell Onslow

Warden J.M. Finnerty

David Forrest

Charles Darwin

Archibald Geikie

Charles Kingsford Smith

Secretary for the Colonies Murray

Lt. (later Col.) Nixon

Donald Campbell

French explorer Hamelin

French explorer Durville

French Explorer D Entrecastenaux

French spy Peron

General Decaen

Louis Antonie de Bougainville

Jean Francois Galaup Comptre de la Perouse

French explorer de Freycinet

Hendrik Brouwer

Abel Tasman

Ellen Stirling

Matilda Roe

Georgina Molloy

Sam Isaacs (seated) and son

Stan Hilditch

Rev. Wollaston

Rev. Wittenoom

Dom Rosendo Savado

President (USA) Herbert Hoover

Durack family

Frederick Vosper

Modesto Varischetti

John Boyle O Reilly