The Folklore of Western Australia

Opportunity -

Flea Adams was a jockey and on the small size for even that profession. He was always quick to make the best of any situation though and looked for opportunities where ever he could find them.

Now Adams liked to gamble and one of his favourite past times was to head out to the Brown Hill two up game in Kalgoorlie and make a few wagers.

One day, when he was down on his luck and had lost all his money, he decided to go fossicking in a nearby rubbish tip to see if he could find something of value.

His eye happened to light on an old toothpaste tube that had a nice flat silvery top. At a quck glance it might just pass for a sixpence.

Back to the game he went and called out ‘Sixpence, tails”, a fellow gambler cast only a casual glance at Flea’s ‘sixpence’ and said, “You’re on!”.

The coins flew high and Flea readied himself to run in case they came down heads. Luckily for him they came down tails and he collected his winnings, while hiding the toothpaste top in his pocket.

Now with a real coin he continued to bet and lady luck blessed him eleven times straight. He walked away with pockets full of coins, ever grateful for the invention of toothpaste.

Tale sourced from: Heads and Tails by Danny Sheehan.

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