The Folklore of Western Australia

Keeping abreast of the situation -

The wet season in the north west is known as a time of trouble. The increasing heat and humidity drive up the murder rate, cause suicides and send some people mad. It is a time of chaos and mayhem.

A patient who we will refer to as ‘George’ was admitted to Derby hospital when he became unhinged and had to be kept isolated.

Even though he had been locked in a room, he managed to break the window and escape.

The local doctor had a syringe filled with a sedative and gave chase but the madman had no intention of being caught.

He led the doctor on a merry chase around town and as the pair passed the hospital for about the third time, one of the nurses, Sister Smith, called out to the doctor to stop chasing the patient and she would take care of him.

Sister Smith approached George and began to unbutton the top of her uniform.

Now Sister Smith was uncommonly well endowed in the chest area and mad or not, those well formed large breasts certainly got George’s attention.

Sister Smith enticed George toward the hospital and George followed with unseemly eagerness.

George caught up with her near the hospital gate and made a grab for the goodies that seemed to be on offer but the Sister deftly side stepped him telling him as she did that it was far too public outside and that she wanted him to follow her back inside the hospital to find a more private area.

George obediently followed until they reached a single room where he was pounced upon by other staff who managed to restrain him and administer a sedative.

George went on to spend an uncomfortable night trussed up in a straight jacket until the next day when police escorted him to Perth on an aircraft.

Sister Smith’s natural charms were apparently fondly remembered by the male staff who were present at the time.

Adapted from ‘Legend of the Kimberley’ by Lawson and Janet Holman. Hesperian Press.

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Not Sister Smith
Not Sister Smith


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