The Folklore of Western Australia

5KA Finch -

In the remote Kimberley it was once common for most people to try and fix their own medical problems before radioing for help from the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

One such instance of this was a station owner by the name of Finch who had a very bad case of piles. He was looking for some way to relieve the pain when his eyes lighted on the spare 5KA 6V6 fuse that was sitting on top of the radio set. He inserted it part way and finding that it helped with the pain seems to have pushed things a bit too far and the fuse slipped inside.

It proved impossible to get it back out, but now he had another problem, the radio was an open frequency and anyone who had their set turned on would hear what he had done.

He called the RFDS at Derby and spoke to Dr. Holman but was very reluctant to let on exactly what the problem was. Eventually the Doctor persuaded him to fill in the details and Finch was brought in by plane and the offending item removed, cleaned and returned to its owner.

Of course the news got around and Finch was known as 5KA Finch through out the Kimberley from that time on.

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5KA Finch
5KA Finch


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