The Folklore of Western Australia


There has only been one confirmed duel in Western Australian history and that was between William Nairne Clark and George French Johnson.

Clark, aged 28 at the time was a Scottish-born, Fremantle solicitor. Johnson was a merchant and had been a naval officer.

The two men were initially partners in a publishing venture called The Inquisitor. Clarke accused Johnson of “clandestine transactions”.

There had been increasing tension between the men for some time and eventually on Thursday the 16th of August 1832, Clark insulted Johnson in a Fremantle street saying: “You are a scoundrel and a blackguard, and that if it was not from motives of prudence, I would give you a sound drubbing. ”

Johnson challenged Clark to a duel and the two men made arrangements.

Clark’s second was William Temple Graham, publisher of the Western Australian and Colonial News.

Johnson chose Thomas Newte Yule and it was arranged for a doctor to be present on the day of the duel.

On the morning of the 17th of August 1832 the men all met at Graham’s home and the duel began.

The men were handed pistols and stood facing each other a shot distance apart. At the signal they each turned side on and fired.

Johnson missed but Clark’s bullet struck home.

Johnson collapsed and was taken home.

Later that day George Leake, JP had Clark, Graham and Yule brought before him but all refused to answer any questions.

Leake then visited Johnson to find out what had happened and if Johnson had any complaints to make. Johnson apparently responded, ‘Decidedly none’ despite being mortally wounded.

Johnson subsequently died and was buried in Fremantle cemetery.

Fours days after Johnson died a trial was held at the Court of Quarter Sessions in Fremantle on October 1st.

Clark, Graham and Yule were all acquitted of the charges and left the court.

Clark is reported to have died in the Hobart Hospital in Tasmania on the 19th of February, 1854.

The only other duel that is thought to have been fought in Western Australia was between to French officers with swords on Rottnest Island before the state was colonised by the British. This is unconfirmed but still widely written about.

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Pistols used in W.A.'s only confirmed duel
Pistols used in W.A.'s only confirmed duel


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