The Folklore of Western Australia


Gibson’s Soak had a good reputation for great food at the old bush hotel and so a geologist working in the area decided to stop there one day for lunch.

When he asked what was available he was surprised and disappointed when he was told that the only food available was porridge.

He noticed furtive glances being shared between the proprietor and her daughter and an anxious air in the premises.

Not wanting porridge, the geologist asked if he could have sandwiches and anything cold that was in the fridge and again he noticed strange glances between the two women.

Finally the mother blurted out, ‘It’s the boss!’

‘What about him’ asked the geologist.

‘He’s in the fridge’ the woman replied.

It turned out that the boss had died the night before and with the hundred degree heat it had been thought best to put him in the fridge until the ambulance from Esperance arrived to take him away.

Unsurprisingly the geologist left to seek his lunch elsewhere.

From: The Golden Miles by H. H. Wilson

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The Boss


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