The Folklore of Western Australia


“The day the earthquake struck Meckering, we felt the shock waves in Norseman. I was underground at the time and I thought the whole bloody place was coming in. The force was enough to buckle steel rails in the shaft.

Old Wally was in the Workers’ Club at the time and the beer he’d ordered had just been placed on the bar. When the tremor started, Wally grabbed the bar rail with one hand and hung on for dear life. Then he wrapped the other hand around his beer and sank, what those present considered to be, the fastest schooner in the history of Goldfields drinking.

Later they asked Wally why He’d been in such a hurry to drink his beer, so he explained, ‘As yer know, I’ve already had two heart attacks, so when all that shakin’ started I said to myself, Bloody hell Wal, this is it mate, this is the big ‘un. Then I saw me beer on the bar and thought, Buggered if I’m gonna waste that, so down she bloody went.’”

From: Gold Fever and Other Diseases by Peter Blyth.

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Fastest beer


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