The Folklore of Western Australia


Normally the Australian coat of arms has an emu and a kangaroo facing each other. If you visit the old GPO building in Forrest Place you will see an unusual coat of arms with the kangaroo looking back over its shoulder.

We have seen two possible explanations for this. The first is that this is a Masonic pose and the second more interesting theory is that the kangaroo is looking back at parliament house staring at the people who never paid the sculptor for his work.

Sadly there is no unpaid sculptor conspiracy, the pose was once more common and was used on other coats of arms including on the original Parliament House in Canberra.

As for it being a Masonic pose, there seems to be no evidence for that either but considering the secrecy sometimes associated with the Freemasons, it can't be entirely ruled out either.

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Coat of Arms


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