The Folklore of Western Australia


When the West African registered fishing boat South Tomi was spotted fishing illegally in Australian waters, the Australian authorities gave chase. After 14 days and 6100 kilometres, the South Tomi was finally caught just 600 kilometres off the coast of Cape Town South Africa.

The vessel had a large catch of Patagonian Toothfish which the Government seized and sold at auction for around $1.4 million dollars.

The captain and crew were sent back to their own countries at the owner's expense and a fine of $136,000 was issued after the captain pleaded guilty to two counts of illegal fishing.

The owners of the vessel did not challenge the seizure of the vessel or its catch and eventually in 2003 the vessel was sold with the idea of turning it into a dive wreck off the coast of Geraldton.

After the internal fittings were removed and the ship made safe for divers to enter it was towed about 6 kilometres off the coast and sunk. This was the second illegal fishing boat to be used in this way.

The Patagonian Toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, grows to lengths of two and a half metres and can weigh in at 200 kilograms. It is strongly flavoured and although not caught for sale in Australia much of the catch ends up in Japan.

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Longest boat chase


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