The Folklore of Western Australia


At Caron, the railway siding included a refreshment room, not surprisingly called The Refresh.

The place provided snacks, tea and coffee and also boasted a bar where thirsty travellers could slake their thirst with an ale or two.

The bar was supposed to be open only while the train was stopped at the siding but as the nearest hotel was 16 kilometres away in Perenjori, the bar often stayed open long after the train had departed.

One day two young policemen were doing the rounds of the farms and as they returned to Caron in the evening, they could see the lights at The Refresh were still on and the bar was open when it should have been closed hours before.

One officer went to the front door, the other to the back and they hammered on the doors, calling, 'Open up, police here!'

Suddenly all the lights inside went out and they could hear a lot of scrambling around.

They walked in and turned their torches on only to find the proprietor stretched out on the counter with his shirt pulled up and the visiting doctor standing over him with a stethoscope.

The two policemen burst out laughing and said, 'Get down you silly fool and get us a drink!'.

Also from 'Sound of the Cockies' B and J Bunbury.

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Police prank


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