The Folklore of Western Australia


“One day we came to a grassy flat. I thought that we might get water there at a shallow depth by sinking, so we made camp. I got pick and shovel, while my mate unpacked and made the fire, and started sinking with a will. My mate called out that tea was ready, but I worked on a bit longer. I could hardly swallow my tea quickly enough, I was so impatient to get back to my sinking. At five to six feet it began to get damp. Night came on but still I kept going, until at seven feet water began to come in. So I kept on sinking. The water was there all right, but I had to make room for storage. I filled every dish and billy and other container and baled it out. Yes, we got a drink for the camels. It must have been 12 o’clock that night when I lay down. At dawn I was out and had a look at my handiwork. It was beautiful, clear, fresh water. Then I went to get the camels. I came closer. Ye Gods! Before me was enough water to float a ship, and the camels were distended like blown-up frogs. Such is life – either a feast or a famine.“

From: The Outback Trail, A.J. Luck. Hesperian Press.

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That sinking feeling


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