The Folklore of Western Australia


Sightings of a strange creature dubbed the Nannup tiger have been reported for many years and range from Esperance to Geraldton. The sightings started in the 1960s and have persisted despite the lack of any conclusive evidence.

Some people describe it as dog like, others as cat like. There is a possibility that large feral cats may be mistaken for something much bigger and another theory is that a carnivorous marsupial such as Thylacinus Cynocephalus has managed to survive in the more uninhabited regions of the south west. Without any conclusive proof of the existence of these creatures, this remains a creature firmly rooted in myth.

One of my own nephews swears that he saw a very large panther like cat cross the Bibbulmun Track in front of him one evening. The experience certainly un-nerved him and he made quick time to the nearest camp site.

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Nannup tiger


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