The Folklore of Western Australia


In February 1942 (during World War II) a group of 30 men were playing dice at a Boulder boarding house located at 16 Multon St.

Just after midnight (February 2nd) there was an explosion in the room. Constable Mick Leeder,who was  on duty in the Boulder Police Station, heard the explosion and went into the street to investigate.

He then heard two more explosions (that on later investigation came from the Launceston Hostel.

Leeder was joined by Constable Waghorn and together they went to the site of the first explosion.

The roof of the boarding house had been blown off and most of the building demolished. Dead and injured men were scattered through the ruins and it was a scene of complete devastation.

It was determined that the explosion was caused by a bomb. 14 men died and 14 were injured by the blast. The explosions at the Launceston Hostel were also caused by bombs but in that case there were no fatalities and only 4 people injured.

One of the men injured during the first explosion (Kristo Kosich) had staggered out and made his way back to the Launceston Hostel (where he lodged) getting there just in time to be injured by the second explosion. He saw the bomber as he tossed a charge into the hostel.

Later that night a fourth minor explosion was heard.

Doctors tended to the injured and the police began to investigate.

At 9:30am a body was found blown to pieces at the Boulder cemetery. It was later identified as the remains of Pero Raecivich.

Written evidence pointed to the fact that Raecivich had carried out the bombings due to issues he had with his homeland (Montenegro ) being invaded by Germany.

This was a major crime but it is almost ignored by historians. It is likely that the event was hushed up as the war was still in progress and the authorities decided that there would be civil unrest if the facts came to light.

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Bombed hotel


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