The Folklore of Western Australia


Charles Lauffer had lived in the area for a long time and was well known and liked. Locals were shocked when he was murdered by a group of French picnickers.

5 men (2 with police records) and three women (all prostitutes) had come up to the hills and had spent the day eating and drinking at various establishments.

In the afternoon they had approached Charles Lauffer wanting to buy a single bottle of wine. As he only had a gallon license he could not sell a single bottle and an argument developed and rapidly became violent. One of the Frenchmen pulled out a revolver and shot Lauffer twice killing him instantly.

When the local Constable arrived to arrest the group they showed no remorse and even when waiting for the train to arrive to take them to the lock up at Guildford they were laughing and joking among themselves.

All 8 were charged and tried for murder and 6 were found guilty and sentenced to hang. On appeal only the man who pulled the trigger (Maillat) was convicted and he was hanged on April 21st 1903.

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