The Folklore of Western Australia


Well this story just goes to show that folklore isn't something from our long distant past:

Place : Newman W.A.
Time: Beer O'clock - November 2014
Scene: Light aircraft parked outside the pub.

A 37 year old man, Anthony “Auto” Whiteway, (who is obviously a bit of a dill) decided that instead of walking or driving a car to the local pub, he would taxi his Beechcraft two seater plane through the traffic from one end of town to the other in order to get a beer.

By the time police arrived on the scene the Beechcraft was parked in the hotel car park, its owner inside enjoying a cold one, or two, inside the pub.

Whiteway was quoted as saying:

“I was a little hot, a little parched and I called into the pub and that was OK at first,”
“I went to the toilet and when I came out all hell had broken loose."
“A friend at the bar said a very angry police officer had come in and said, ‘Righto, you mob, who owns the plane parked out the front’.”

The man is described as 'a local character' but the police were far from amused.

Sergeant McKenzie said police had examined the Road Traffic Act but would likely charge the man under the Criminal Code.
"I would assume there would be an offence under the Criminal Code that may fit the bill."
"I'm confident that he will be charged with something soon."
Whiteway was duly charged with 'Endangering Life, Health or Safety of a Person' and copped a fine of over $5000!

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Plane parked at pub


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