The Folklore of Western Australia


The first school teacher of the Brookton school (Thomas O'Laughlan) was provided a tent to live in by the education board when he was unable to find a house in town.

Just two weeks after school opened there was a rainstorm that forced Thomas to move his bedding into the school building.

As he didn't have to rent accommodation the education board withdrew his residence allowance, living in a tent it considered was 'appropriate accommodation.'

After almost three years in the tent Thomas wrote to the board:

'I hope not to be compelled to spend the third winter in a tent, as my health was so much affected, last winter, that I was unable to perform my duties as thoroughly as I otherwise would.'

Poor Thomas was refused his request and in return asked that he be provided with a new tent as the old one was no longer habitable. Finally the education board acted and Thomas got his house. He went on to serve the Brookton community for 25 years.

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Living in a tent for three years


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