The Folklore of Western Australia


During WWII food was rationed and people had to provide ration stamps to get food and other necessities.

The Butcher in Three Springs, Arnie Sagger, didn't think much of the rationing system and used to let ladies purchase more or less whatever they needed. He said there was plenty of meat in Three Springs so there was no need for rationing.

Eventually the government inspectors came to town demanding to see Arnie's rationing journal which of course he had never filled out.

Arnie was so fed up with the interference in his business that he pointed to a creek across the road and said to the inspectors, “You would be doing more for the war effort if you were to go out there and shovel sand up one another's arses.”

The inspectors were not impressed and Arnie was charged with contravening rationing laws and abusing government officers. He was fined five shillings.

We need a lot more Arnie Saggers in this world.

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Meat ration card


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