The Folklore of Western Australia


During World War II, Broome served as a military outpost and was attacked by Japanese planes. The most serious loss of life occurred after Dutch civilians had boarded flying boats in Roebuck Bay waiting to be flown further south. 16 flying boats were moored in the bay and none survived the attack. Casualty figures vary but it is thought that up to 200 people lost their lives in the raid. The aircraft had been getting ready to leave the area and had been told to leave by 10am. The Japanese attack started at 9:30am with all the flying boats still at anchor and packed with passengers. It was all over by 10:30am and 23 allied aeroplanes had been destroyed.

The Japanese lost 2 planes, one was shot down during the raid and a second ran out of fuel on the return flight to Koepang.

A plane that was due to land at Broome managed to miss the above destruction by landing at Wallal Station instead. If it was not for this lucky mistake they too would have been among the casualties at Roebuck Bay.

On the same day a Dutch DC3 was making its way down the coast when it too was jumped by Japanese zeros. The pilot and others were wounded and the plane crash landed on the beach at Carnot Bay. Three people died while waiting for rescue. Days later, the remaining survivors were rescued. However, a package handed to the pilot when leaving Indonesia, remained on the plane.

Jack Palmer, sailing past the abandoned plane some time later, stopped to examine the wreckage and came across the mysterious package. Imagine his surprise when he found it full of glittering diamonds. The diamonds found their way into numerous pockets and 'Diamond' Jack returned a number to the authorities. It was suspected that Jack had kept a large portion of the gems and he was charged and brought to trial. The jury - which seems to have had some sympathy with 'Diamond' Jack - acquitted him and he took the secret of the missing diamonds to his grave.

ABC Podcast about Diamond Jack.

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Diamond Jack


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