The Folklore of Western Australia


On the morning of January 13th 1885 the badly beaten bodies of Thomas Anketell (Manager) and Henry Burrup (Clerk) were found at the recently constructed Union Bank (this was a different building to the one that exists today and was in a different location.) in Roebourne.

The sloppy investigation and lack of attention to these murders by the authorities led to claims that there had been an official cover up.

After complaints about the lack of action by Burrup’s father, a reward of 500 pounds and a free pardon for any accomplice not actually involved in the murder were offered but with no result.

There certainly must have been a lot of suspicion about who was responsible for it was said that the murderer died some time later in Singapore. Another possibility was raised by prospector F.W.P. Cammelleri when a German by the name of Frank Hornig, visited his camp on the Halls Creek goldfield one night. The subject of the murders in Roebourne came up and Hornig was very dismissive of police efforts and Cammelleri became suspicious. Soon after Hornig left, a party came through looking for the German as he was wanted for the murder of two men on the goldfield. Hornig was eventually captured and executed for the killings but no concrete proof of his involvement in the killing of Burrup and Anketell emerged.

Henry Burrup was remembered in the naming of the Burrup Peninsula. For a more detailed account of the murders and the circumstances surrounding them and the subsequent trial visit Frances Yeo's excellent website

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Henry Burrup Thomas Anketell


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