The Folklore of Western Australia


It was said there was a barmaid on the Murchison gold fields who was offered 25 gold sovereigns to strip naked and take a bath in a tub of champagne. She took up the challenge and two dozen bottles of fine Champagne were emptied in to a tub where she took her bath in full view of the gaping miners.

When she had finished it was decided to put the Champagne back into bottles as it is well known that fine Champagne does not go flat quickly and after all who wanted to waste so much good booze.

The only problem was that when the wine was put back in to the 24 bottles there was still enough left over to fill half an extra bottle.

(We seriously doubt the authenticity of this tale although we did find a second well told version in the book 'Great Southern Memories' by J.A. Genoni.)

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Bubbly bath


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