The Folklore of Western Australia


I was one of the many unnoticed
I passed through barely making a sound
I lived life and I loved in my own way
and I fought to hold on to my ground

I tried hard, to be good, to be decent
but I didn't live up to my dream
I fell short, many times, and I tell you
sometimes life made me want to just scream

I wasn't that special in most ways
and I didn't stand out in the crowd
and boy I can tell you that some days
I felt just like crying out loud

They told me that if I worked harder
I would reap the rewards in the end
but they lied and I wound up with nothing
but a trickle of money to spend

I watched as the fat cats got richer
How they conned the whole world with their lies
and the dull and the ignorant let them
as they pulled to wool over their eyes

And the world just descended to madness
and hate became higher than love
and war was waged purely for profit
as the bombs they rained down from above

We ignored what the world tried to tell us
about how we were wrecking it all
But our greed and our pride overtook us
and we never suspected we'd fall

When a few tried to raise up their voices
to warn us of dark days ahead
The greedy white men in their limmos
quickly knocked all dissent on the head

In the past there were plenty of lessons
that we could have easily learned
But we sold out our planet for money
and we burned and we burned and we burned

And I went away still unnoticed
to the stillness and dark of my grave
leaving only regret for a plant
that we could have easily saved

(c) April 2017

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Canna, Western Australia
Canna, Western Australia


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