The Folklore of Western Australia


There’s strangers in my father’s house
And all his things have gone
There’s nothing left but memories
Of all that he had done

All the things he saw in life
And all the things he knew
just vanished with the sands of time
The day his life was through

My childhood friends are nothing now
But ghosts and faded dreams
Just melancholy memories
How long ago it seems

The places of my youth have changed
And I can’t recognise
The old man in the mirror now
Who looks back with my eyes

The world has changed beyond belief
In just a few short years
It cares naught what I might say
My hopes, my dreams, my fears

In days gone by the haunts I knew
Were always to be found
But changes take my memories
and steal my sacred ground

Everything they say must change
Each dog will have its day
but everything you thought you knew
Will someday fade away

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