The Folklore of Western Australia


It’s the little joys of life
That make it all worth while
The funny quirky silly things
That bring to light a smile

It’s not about the money
Or the fame good fortune brings
It’s all about how good it feels
When fantasies have wings

It’s not the shiny motor car
Or fancy racing yacht
It’s not the stocks and bonds and shares
Or how much gold you’ve got

It’s special times on certain days
That make you feel alive
When nothing can account for it
But joy just seems to thrive

When all you have is nothing
But each other’s warm embrace
That’s all you need to always bring
A smile to light your face

It’s the little joys of life
That will last from year to year
And the little joys of life
That are always held most dear.

(c) April 2004 Written in Baldivis, Western Australia
Inspired by Mel Brooks, in an interview with Anderew Denton.

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Gwalia, Western Australia
Gwalia, Western Australia


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