The Folklore of Western Australia


When the wind stops blowin'
I think I'll go outside
Maybe get the push bike out
and take it for a ride

When the wind stops blowin'
I'll go and catch a fish
but as the wind is picking up
I'll stay inside and wish

When the wind stops blowin'
Then I'll maybe get some sleep
but now there's just a tapping sound
that keeps me counting sheep

When the wind stops blowin'
then I'll walk along the shore
I've been inside for weeks and weeks
It's really such a bore

When the wind stops blowin'
I'll go out in the car
just take it down the road and back
no need to go too far

When the wind stops blowin'
then the moon will turn to blue
there'll be such peace and solitude
I won't know what to do

When the wind stops blowin'
It's got to happen soon!
To stop the pipes all howling out
their wailing mournful tune

When the wind stops blowin'
I'll give a mighty cheer
I'll go outside to celebrate
and raise a glass of beer

When the wind stops blowin'
can it ever come to be?
there isn't any sign so far
of calm across the sea

If the wind stops blowin'
then I may be old and grey
but how I'll praise the lack of wind
upon that one fine day.

(c) September 2003 Written at Greenough, Western Australia.
(An ode to Bush Bay)

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Bush Bay
Bush Bay, Western Australia.


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