The Folklore of Western Australia


Made in China, Cheap as Chips
that's what the adverts say
It only lasts a week and then
you throw the lot away

Big W will trouble you
with rubbish in a box
a ratchet strap that tightens up
and never once unlocks

Chinese junk from K Mart
a tent that won't stand up
you find out on your camping trip
that you've been sold a pup

Crazy Charlies Crazy Prices
crazy 'cos they're low
pity then that quality's
a word that they don't know

An Overflow of cheap imports
is landing over here
and since it's all a load of crap
it costs us all too dear

Driver heads that strip themselves
and put in just one screw
I think we're being shafted
good folks like me and you

So go and buy Australian made
It's cheap at twice the price
and keep the money over here
now wouldn't that be nice!

Silly Solly's laughing 'cos
we're all so deep in debt
and he's so busy raking in
the money we don't get

I'm sick and tired of worthless junk
that breaks or just won't work
I want to send a message
to those cheap importing jerks

Once you've sold your country out
to business overseas
you'd better teach your kids to speak
Korean or Chinese

(c) March 2001 Written in Adelaide, South Australia.

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Made in China
Cheap Chinese steel breaking


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