The Folklore of Western Australia


The weathered limestone buttress stands
against the pounding sea
The wind whips through the saltbush
Un-harnessed, fresh, and free

The crashing waves assault the rocks
how solid they appear
but wind and waves are patient foes
that never count the years

The weathered rock is worn away
though it's an uphill climb
These mighty blocks will wear away
beset by tide and time

What a sight my eyes behold
along this rugged shore
where tall ships ran before the wind
and sails from rigging tore

Where now the seabirds wheel and dive
in to the briny foam
once shipwrecked souls beheld the cliffs
so far from hearth and home

Beheld their awful majesty
in freezing wind and rain
and only but a lucky few
would see their homes again

Though many years have passed since then
it comes as no surprise
that when the wind rips through the rocks
you'll hear the sailors cries.

Written in Victoria, Australia.

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Beached boats, Rockingham, Western Australia.
Beached boats, Rockingham, Western Australia.


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