The Folklore of Western Australia


I'm back in the city and working again
back in the big smoke and racking my brain
Back to a life that I've grown to despise
a world of deception, a world full of lies

Back where the dollar possesses your soul
and its work 'till you drop or you'll starve on the dole
Back to a world where nothing's quite right
where you struggle to reach an unreachable height

Back where exhaust fumes pour in to the air
and everyone hates it but nobody cares
Where you don't know your neighbour, no even his name
and the kids are on crack and half out of their brain

Where the days are the same, each dreary and grey
and the drive home from work is the same every day
Each minute is endless, each month like a year
And there's no way on Earth that I'm staying round here

So it's back to the country, to greens and to browns
and away from the city, its hassles and frowns
Back to the outback to travel and roam
with the stars for my blanket and the road for my home

(c) January 2001 Written in Adelaide, South Australia.

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Back on the road
Back on the road


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