The Folklore of Western Australia


I wonder where the toys went
that I had long ago
Those treasured childhood play things
that I had wanted so

The train set and the Lego
That tattered teddy bear
the one with all the stuffing
that fell out everywhere

Airfix and Meccano
would set my world alight
and trains from Triang Hornby
would puff around all night

They say a man must grow up
and give up childish things
But they didn't say we'd also clip
imagination's wings

All the things I treasured
were lost or thrown away
and growing up was measured
by dreams that were betrayed

The shattered loss of innocence
a man no more a boy
where once a dear companion
is now a worthless toy

It happens thus to everyone
we grow and lose our dreams
but simpler and much nicer
the days of childhood seem

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Bindoon Museum
Bindoon Museum Western Australia


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