The Folklore of Western Australia


There's a load of Toorak taxis
headin' for the back o' Bourke
taken out by city cowboys
going west to "make 'em work"

They follow one another
like a herd of bloody sheep
The things they say about the bush
would make a swaggie weep

They're loaded up with camping gear
and bucket loads of beer
But ask 'em if they've got a spade
they seem to go all queer

They tear along the dusty trail
without a thought or care
Until they get a second flat
without another spare

Driving on the unsealed road
they never stop for rain
They chew it up so no one else
can use the track again

They camp right by the river
and lather up with soap
To leave the campsite fresh and clean
is just too much to hope

Unprepared and uninformed
they're heading off out back
Making lists of all they need
but then forget to pack

Their stereos are blasting
for all the world to hear
the wildlife flees in terror
whenever they appear

Some noisy thoughtless people
who spoil it for the rest
are flattening the bush again
somewhere off out west

Their shiny brand new four wheel drives
without a scratch or dent
come home a little worse for wear
and looking rather bent

So when you see them coming
you'd best be on your way
and like the roo keep running
until they're far away.

(c) July 2000 Written in Brisbane, Qld.

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Toorak Taxis
Toorak Taxis


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