The Folklore of Western Australia


The big old house seems empty now
The kids have long since gone
And now it seems it's time for us
to both be moving on

Looking back through all the years
it seems like yesterday
The house was filled with laughter
and sounds of kids at play

We sheltered here within these walls
a house became a home
It's sad to see it empty now
It stands here all alone

The ghosts of children long since grown
are playing in the yard
Young voices echo through these rooms
and make this leaving hard

Here we grew and prospered
we laughed and loved and cried
But now the time approaches
to say our last goodbye

Weather board and painted tin
Floors of polished wood
This place means so much more to me
than any other could

Our children scattered to the winds
all grew up straight and strong
This house will always be a place
to which their hearts belong

I look out on the garden
I planted with my hands
I think back on the many things
that sacrifice demands

My memories are happy ones
and though I'm far away
The part of me that loves this place
is never far away.

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York, Western Australia
York, Western Australia


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