Australian Bush Ballads

by Marc Glasby


I have always been a great fan of the old Aussie bush ballads. I love to read Paterson and Lawson and I try to emulate their style in the ballads I write.


I was lucky enough to travel Australia for a number of years and I feel very deeply about this beautiful but sometimes harsh country.


My spiritual home is the Pilbara in W.A. I am sure there may be more beautiful places but that part of Australia speaks to my heart like no other.


My work is both factual and fictional but my over-riding passion is to write about the land that I care so much for.


This page combines the words I have written with the pictures I have taken on my travels. I hope you find something here to enjoy.


This is a work in progress so please come back from time to time to see what is new.





Click on thumbnail images to see in full size.




Download the free book 'Bush Ballads and Bulldust' in PDF.

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